ch.2.the funeral

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(Shoes and outfit for the funeral)

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(Shoes and outfit for the funeral)

Kira pov

I got ready for the funeral. I brought moon with me I put him in the carrier, I went down stairs grabbed books, phone, headphones and my bags. when i got outside put my bags inside and hope in the very back with moon, i got sited and grabbed my phone and headphones and put on music and started to read...

( time skip )

"Guys, act normally." dad says as we got out of the car and locked around as if he had a stalker. i mentally laugh at the thought. i got out of the car and helped becs out and got my book and read..

"What's with 'n sunglasses?" mom asked confused as hell

'I do not want anyone appeals to me as ..." dad was gonna say but got cut off my no other Kurt McKenzie

"Hollywood" kurt said walking up to us with his family. i stop reading and went to Deanne and gave her a big hug and kissed her baby bump. i have been close to the McKenzie's ever since. i went over to charlotte and andre and gave them a huge hug even tho its been like 3 months since the last time i saw them.

" i see that ass is growing, got a littlie Kardashian in there . "kurt jokes

" well you have kind of turned into a littlie Michael Vick thing if he was bulimic " dad joked back, growing up with dad and his dingdongs of friends i caught on that there loved to make humor jokes and insulted each other with them and i learned to love it ..

" hey kurt, looking good even if its not your funeral" i joked while giving him a side hug

" wow.. hugging me after you just insulted me, that realy hurts " he said putting his hand over his heart dramatically, we all laughed

" hi roxanne, i dont know if you remember me, i was at your wedding ?" Deanna said. i kinda zoned out till i heard someone say

" wait, no cell phones? then im out of here." higgins spoke

" Bye. don't get lost on the way out" i joked to the short blond man

" well hello to you ki, thats the most welcoming greeting ever" Higgin replied with sarcasm

" your welcome, i hope you like it. i spent years to come up with it " i said with sass and sarcasm, higgins and i where close he taught me everything that him , my dad and the others did back in the days and taught me some jokes. i went over and gave him a hug....

" whos ready to get their funeral on" he spoke and did a little dance

" sorry, death makes him nervous." someone spoke up we all turn to see a 6'4 man he had brunette hair, he looks strong from what i can tell. he's wearing black pants, a white shirt with black jean jackets and sneakers

" oh we can tell " i muttered. i went back to my book im almost done with it i got 3 ch left then i can start the second one,. i then zoned out for the second time i didnt notice eric and his family pulled up nor seen rob come this way...

" hey dad. aint rob the short version elvis but more fruity " i called out to him, all eyes turn to me.... opps...

" ha, i knew you were my fav fader" Higgins called out to me, i gave him a fist bump withc he gave one back

" so higgy you gonna tell us who the man is behide you or is it a secrets? " i question looking at he man....

" ohhh right, everyone id like you to meet my nephew Elijah" he said

" hi, im elijah as you know i came here unwillingly to keep' Mr. I sleep with every chick i see' out of trouble" he said. i burst out laughing at the nickname for higgys

" i see where your getting at, im surprised he doesn't have the clap" i spoke laughing. the others laugh to and higgins looked at jokingly with sad eyes

" ouch, lil fader i thought you was my fav, but i guess not" he said with sas and fake sadness

" its okay. maybe erics mom will cheer you up, no offence to your mom eric" i joked

" anyway should we go inside" dad spoke, we all agreed

i wasn't paying attention to my surroundings till i bumped into a wall. but only to look up to elijah.

" dude, im so sorry. i wasnt paying attention." i said

" its okay. not your fault your nose is in your book" he joked

" heyy.. dont insult me and my books. plus reading is realy nice you should try it one day" i shot back

" sure, but where am i supposed to get books if were here on vocation " he questions he had a good point id let him read one my books butttt there filled with spicy shit.......

" good point, i can ask dad if i can borrow the car and we can look for a book store near by.." i trailed off at the end

" don't you have books, i mean i could read them so we don't have to drive somewhere?" he questions. i froozed when he said that, id rather be in the casket then let people read my books

" umm. i do but there romance and you dont look the type..." i mused we finally got in our spots and sat with our family he sat behind me..

" how bout i read one book of yours thats romance. then if i dont like it we can go to the book store and i can grab wtv book you like or sum.... deal" he asked sitting forward

" deal Mr. Higgins, but after the funeral thingy thing when we go to the after party i can grab you a book, plus i gotta switch my books anyway...." i spoke and lifted up my book shaking it a lil

" fine by me.. hopefully this wont take long " he spoke i nodded my head in agreement he leand back and i sat forward as it was bout to start...... someone called dad up to a speech after that rob was singing something and danced with couch picture.. poor couch after a two mins he got on his knee and i heard both higgins behind me make a buzzed sound..... everyone laugh and rob got upset and went to his mom( she didnt know it was robs wife since she wasnt paying attention ) and then i realized i forgot moon in the car.. i got up and ran out to the car lucky the car was unlocked i open the door and checked on moon, luckily he was alr and i did see the windows were down a bit... i sighed in relief....

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