Ch.9 the date 😍

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Ki outfit (

Kira pov

I woke up the next day with a smile on my face, Elijah is gonna take me on a date today.... I got up pick out some random clothes for now and went to the bathroom to change, after I changed I brushed my hair and teeth then added some makeup. I walked back to my room and seen Elijah was still asleep, I decided to jump on him bc why not... Elijah jerked up and grunted at the impact

" ouch" he moaned in my pain. He shifted him self where his face was facing me with an annoyed expression

" haha, sorry I had to I got bored and plus it's the next day silly" I said I was on his lap still, " also did your forgot we're going out or did I jump on you to hard and make you lose your memories " I replied after a few

" no, I didn't forget but I was in a nice slumber but anywho want the plan " he asked looking at me his hands went to my waist and he pull me next to him, he was now spooning me and his head was in the crook of my neck.

" umm, we can go get books then dinner or dinner then book shopping " I said looking over my shoulder to face him.... He gave a nod

" we can go to dinner and then get books bc who knows how long we'll be in there plus we can eat, shop and get dessert " he said to me looking at my orbs and he kiss my forehead then untangle him self from me to get change....

4 hours later ( date night (; )

It was now 3pm I decided to get ready for the date, I took beck, charlotte and Donna with me to help me pick an outfit. We were looking through my closet and had eyes on two different outfits...

One was a floral dress that stops above my knee it was a forest green dress with a lil bit of lace on the arms and the second out fit was a pair of green cargos ( I think that's the color )
And a black long sleeve crop top...

After a while we decided on the cargos and black crop, I then went to the bathroom and shower and did sum other things like shaved...... I got out and started to get dressed and went to the moms and asked if they can do my makeup and hair they all said yesss

" sooo, who are you going out with " sally asked as she did my hair

" well Elijah asked me out on a date yesterday and I said yes" I said closing my eyes so mom and do my makeup Diana was doing my nails she painted them a beautiful green and the ring finger was black ..." also before you ask where, we're going to the diner and then head tot he books store then ice cream. Wait is there a books store here" I asked

" ohh yesss there is, it's near an ice cream shop and sum pawn shop" Diana said

" oki, I'll let him know, also did yall hear loud noises coming from outside last night " I asked looking at them they shook there head no

" maybe ask you dad he was up last night " mom said remember last nights 'activities', so did Diana and sally ( different rooms yall 😭)

20 mins later

They finish's doing there parts and I stood up and stretched... I went to the kitchen and grab sum to drink the front door open the adults and Elijah came inside.... Elijah seen me and hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss on the head and told me I looked beautiful

" hi dork " I said to him turning to face him

" hi Beautiful, how is you're day going " he asked me lokkkng me in the eye

" it's been good now bout yourself "Kira asked the boy infront of her

"It's been good, as much as I love to talk to you imma get ready if that's fine with you" he spoke softly

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