Ch.8. Book date ?

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( sry if I haven't updated yesterday day I was in the most beautiful slumber )

Eli pov

I was chilling with the dads minus my uncle, that now has me thinking, dose my uncle have a secret love child somewhere.... Anywho we're all on our way to throw sum of coaches ashes ( idek what you wanna call it butttt imma say that ) the adults were having there conversation while I was in my own lil world reading 'too late '
I was almost done with it then all the sudden I felt dripping I looked up to see Eric pissed on my uncle and it got on my arm...

"What the fuk mate " I said cover the books and my self after Eric was done he sat down and laugh I shook my head in disbelief

" sorry, Elijah your uncle was being an asshole"Eric told me

" I mean when is he not, so we almost to the island" I asked looking at my uncle

" yea, abt like 5-10 mins " he told me looking at his watch

" oki" I said then went back to my books, man I really miss her ( Kira )
She's fun to hang out with, we can have good conversations about anything. She makes me smile and laugh, Lenny you sure did make one hell of a beautiful daughter from your ugly ass ( Adam Sandler is one fine mf 😮‍💨) I was almost done and it had me thinking ki loves books. So why not take her on a book date, yes good idea
Elijah your are one smart mother fuker

We got to the island I stood next to them why they said there prayers, rob was a crying mess even had coaches ashes in his hand while eating chicken ( that sounds so good besides with ashes 😭 in loving memories of coach)

After that we heading back I pulled at my phone and texted my future wife

                      Kira bear



                                         Kira bear

                                     Heyy dork!!!


What are you doing?

Kira bear
Sitting with the moms
Watching the kids
FYI Greg looks like
Jimmy cricket
Kid had imaginary dream

Let that kid dream
Even if it ain't true

Kira bear
Lmao your right
Imy so bad and I'm bored
Come backkk plzzz

Me too
Imy you too
Where almost back I can see the lake house sooo I'll see you in a fewww
Seen 3:53

( yall im so fuking stupid I forgot there was the line things where you can go right,middle,left and I was over here spaceing everything just to do the fukkn text... fmlll )

Elijah sigh put his phone away and continued his book, after sum mins he felt a tap from his uncle who's looking at him with a weird expression

" who were you textinggggg" he said caring the other adults attention

" I was texting Kira and no before you ask we're just friends, if it was more I'd have to ask Lenny and Rox blessing to date her and I'll have to grow balls to ask her out " I said looking at him then back to my book

( this will be bold for a sec I wanna finish this chapter and work on more after that I'll change it to normal righting thing, live love my splllng. )

" so, I have noticed you and my daughter have been hanging a lot lately ever since the funeral?" Lenny said eying the boy. He knew Elijah was a good kid but he still was Kira father so he had to go in protective mode

" yea, she's rly fun to hang out and makes me smile. Also she is the most beautiful woman you ever made Len, i mean look at you no offense, but then again Kira had a beautiful mom and you have a beautiful wife, not in a weird way " Elijah told Lenny

" none taking, you are right my wife did make the most beautiful girl and the other kids, also you don't rly need my blessing to ask her out I seen how you guys are so you have my permission to date her j don't hurt you or you'll end up like coach " Lenny told Elijah he nod his head

" also I was thinking about asking her on a date" he told Lenny

" when and where " Lenny ask curious

" I was thinking today when we get back and I'm gonna take her on a book date in town " Elijah said lokkkng st Lenny

" that sounds romantic, I see you know her likings and her love for books " Kira father said

" yes when we first got to the lake house we got to know each other and I hope to know her more about her " Elijah til him

" well I hope you kids have fun and make sure you stay outta trouble and be back before midnight " Lenny told me

Arriving back at the lake house 🤞🏻

Kira pov

I was sitting on the porch with moon, and reading a book when all the sudden I heard music I looke up to see  the boys dancing

Eric had a kfc bucket on his head Marcus was dancing silly
Kurt was doing sum weird thing
And my dad and Lohan were dance  tg I was laughing so heard im pretty sure I peed I wipe out my phone and took pictures, ahhh Im never living this down 😭

After they were done, Elijah spotted me and ran up to me picked me up and spin me around then sat me down.
I gave him the hugest hug every

" I miss you " he said hugging me

" I miss you too plus your were gone for an hour" I said lookin up at him he had a pout on his face

" uhh no we been gone for 3 hours actually and I have sum to ask you "
He told me looking away

" mhm " I hummed

" would you like to go with me to a book store " he rub his neck nervously

" yes, so like a date ?" I asked

" yes, I mean if you'll like it can be a date " he said looking at me his cheeks were slightly pink

" yes I'll loved to and also you won my heart for that " I said giggling

" okay good , so you wanna go tmr or today " he ask

" we can go tmr bc I think we won't have time plus the kids want us to hang out with them " I said

" works for me, I also asked you dad and he was fine with it, and let's go find the kiddos I missed them tbh ):" he said with a   Said face I laugh at him and make our marry lil way to the kids

When the kids saw us they jumped on us.... Ouchhh 

( I'll make the date later or tomorrow lowk kinda tired even tho I slept all MFING DAY but who dosnt love sleepp also I miss swimming it's been to long smhhh )

Anyways I hope yall have the most amazing night or day ever and stay hydrated kiddos 💋💋

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