Ch.8, pranks for shits and giggles

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3rd perosn ( I think it's the right perspective, lmk if it's wrong or not)

It was five in the morning Eli and ki was creeping in the hall way to the parents rooms and place the mouse traps around the beds and some scattered around then house, they put the zip ties on the doors to the others doors so all them are connected ( idek if it makes since but it kinda did in my head but trust ) after that they went to the kids room all them peacefully sleeping, both Eli and ki took shaving cream and zip ties. They add shaving cream to their heads and adding a mustache for additional and took the zip ties and bit them on one hand to the other person hands but not to tight bc there kids after that they went down stairs where Marcus was and zip tied both hands and feet and put a bright pink bow in his hair and but a mouse trap on the floor then headed up to there room and was laughing really hard....

" you think there gonna enjoy this " Eli said laughing really hard looking at Kira who's on the floor while moon was looking at her strangely, ki looked up and sat up and spoke

" no, there gonna kill us, maybe not the kids put the parents oh YES THEY MOST DEFINITELY WILLL " she said getting up from the floor and picking up moon before sitting on the bed next to Elijah

" should we watch a movie or sleep for a lil bit " ki asked him

Eli was in deep thought, he wonder if ki had a bf or not bc he grown a liked to the fader girl even tho he met her like 3 days ago. He wanted to ask her out but wanted to now her more. He then snap outta thought when he seen ki really close to him snapping her fingers in his face,

"Huh " he said lookin hella confused; ki back up away from his face not noticing the blush on Elijah's face

" I asked if you wanted to sleep or watch a movie " she said again and sat back in her spot before speaking again " but you was in deep tought , so what were you thinking abt . Hmm" she said teasing a lil bit.

" movie and nothing I was thing abt the prank " Elijah said lying a bit at the end. He didn't want her to keep asking him about it..

" sureeeeee, I'm not gonna let that go but I won't ask you abt it and what movies you wanna watch " ki asked she knew he was lying they both grew close together every since the fruit loops up ( funeral... my mom calls it that bc she can't pronounced funeral so she's calls it a fruit loops up ) she can't lie she grew feeling for the
Higgins boy, he was really attractive, funny and good with kids and made her happy.

" um, we can watch the outsiders and after we can watch supernatural " he said I argeeed I got up went to my closet and pulled a shelf with dvds on it and dragged that hoe next the tv and got the movies we're gonna watch and place them on the dresser then went to get the dvd player from ontop my closet and hook it up and place the outsider in and turned on the tv and and got into bed and snuggled up,

30 mins later

Elijah felt weight on his chest and seen ki had snuggle up on him she was still awake but he didn't mind and ran his hands through her hair ( need a mans like this 🙏🏻) moons jump up on the bed and laid in the middle it both of them ( Kira head is on his chest and her legs are like \ if that makes sense)

They both fell asleep all snuggle up together after 2 hours there alarm went off waking them for there official prank, they got up and got ready and headed out the window to the front porch and took out the air horn ki open the front door and they both looked at each other with ' who the fuck leaves a front door unlocked ' face they creeped in the house ki went to get some pots ( reminds me of that lady that was banging the pans to wake up her roommates ) they got in position Elijah hold up and hang and counted down




All you here through out the house is a air horn everyone jump up scared as hell and Lenny feel of the fed into the mouse traps the other adults walked into the mouse traps , Rox ( can't remember how to spell her name smhh so imma keep it rox into I can spell it ) and sally tried to open the door but they couldn't from the zip ties, mean while with the kids they all tried to jump out of the bed only for them to be zip tied to the person next them and shaving cream in there face, while Marcus tied to get up only to trip and fall in to mouse traps ( I didn't know there was a mouse trap emoji 🪤 ) ki and Elijah were dying from laught so hard, mama ( Diana's mom) came running more like walking down stairs and seen Marcus tied on the floor she laughed went to , ki, Eli, and mama went to the kitchen and grabbed sizzors and went to cut the zip ties up stairs and left Marcus alone ( I'm mr lonely 😞) they cut the zip ties off the doors the adults wen rushing out and looked at then young adult and Diana's mom, ki and Eli old up a a finger told them to wait here and went to grab the kids and came back with them zip ties the adults laught to. Elijah cut the ties while ki grab a 2 rags and wiped the shaving cream off and they all went down stairs to see Higgins on the floor he was tied up and some mouse traps on him they all laught as well, ki and Elijah cut the ties off Marcus stood up taking mouse traps off himself .

" sooo, you guys like our prank " both ki and Elijah said looking at them

" no, but yes best one I've ever seen in my whole 36 years of living " dad said looking at his beautiful wife ( Roxanne is so fukin beautiful 😍)

" yes, I agree with Lenny boi, but next time don't zip tie our doors what if there was a fire " Eric said looking at the adults ". But nice job on tying Marcus up and leaving him last " he also said giving us a fist bump

" good also kiddos we didn't do much to yall bc yall younglings and yall got the harmless pranks and I hope the ties weren't tight " Elijah said looking at the kids they shook there there heads and both Kira and him looks at there wrist to make sure there were no marks or bruises there was only a slight red marks but it would go aways but ki placed a kiss on all there wrist.

" so, is there gonna be prank wars during our trip " becks ask

" heck yes " all the kids say

" well if it's okay with he adults then yess, but we if we do the kids can get the kinda harmless ones and the alduts can get the ba done " ki spoke while looking at the adults

" I don't see why not, keep the pranks to a minimum please, try not to break anything and don't hurt eachother tho" rox said looking s the kids smiling

" YESSSSSSS" they all cried outttt ki ran and jumped on Elijah who ended up falling from the impact they brought both laughed

" im sorry got a lil to excited " Kira said sitting up looking at Elijah

" it's okay, I could get used to this " Elijah teasing said, they both looked away blushin ( 😛 ) the parents look at each other knowing more like the moms were happily and the dads were having a bet with there eyes 👀.... Ki got off Elijah and help him up and they two cleaned up the pranks and threw them away.

They all at breakfast tg made by sally
Good thing she did bc they didn't want nun elephant foot ( sry Gloria 😓💋)

( anyone else sleepy or is it just me )

( an/ was to lazy make one and this will be on my other story as well, I prob won't write today and prob be sleeping all day or putting my room back together but one of those 2 i be doing and hopefully I'll have energy to write tmr or later on today depending)

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