Chapter 5

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The day of Jungkook and Taehyung's wedding arrives, the world's most luxurious hotel buzzes with excitement and anticipation. The opulence of the venue leaves guests in awe, many whispering that they've never seen such grandeur.

 The opulence of the venue leaves guests in awe, many whispering that they've never seen such grandeur

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At the altar, Taehyung stands tall, a vision in his pristine white suit. His gentle smile and magnetic presence capture everyone's attention. As the music swells, announcing the arrival of the 'bride', Taehyung's breath catches.

 As the music swells, announcing the arrival of the 'bride', Taehyung's breath catches

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Jungkook appears, a breathtaking sight in his matching white ensemble. Despite his blank expression, there's a softness in his eyes that only Taehyung seems to notice. Their gazes lock as Jungkook approaches, the world fading around them.

 Their gazes lock as Jungkook approaches, the world fading around them

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The priest begins the ceremony, his voice solemn and clear.

Priest: "Do you, Kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded spouse?"

Tae: "I do", his signature boxy smile spreads across his face.

A small, almost unnoticed smile graces Jungkook's lips in response.

Priest: "Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded spouse?"

Kook: "I do" said softly for the first time in his life.

Priest: "You may kiss the bride".

At these words, a flicker of nervousness crosses Jungkook's face. Taehyung, ever observant, notices immediately. With gentle movements, he places a hand on Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer. Their eyes meet, a silent conversation passing between them.

Taehyung lean and placed a tender kiss on his forehead. Jungkook's eyes flutter closed, feeling his husband's touch for the first time.

As the reception starts and couples fill the dance floor. Jungkook and Taehyung stand to the side watching them. A cheerful business associate approaches them, caught up in the festive atmosphere.

Business Partner: "You two are the pride of this wedding today, and you're not even dancing! Go and dance" the associate urged cheerfully.

Taehyung hopefully glances at Jungkook, but before he can speak, Jungkook's cold voice cuts through the air.

Kook: "Who are you? that you are telling us to dance", asked coldly.

"Be a guest and get out of here", shout.

Tae: "Looks like Jungkook doesn't want to dance with me", thought to himself.

Taehyung's face fell, and Jungkook noticed, feeling an unexpected pang in his chest, but he pushed the feeling aside.

After the reception, the newlyweds make their way to Jungkook's mansion. The car ride was silent, tension thick in the air. As they arrive, Taehyung is awestruck by the grandeur of his new home

 As they arrive, Taehyung is awestruck by the grandeur of his new home

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Together, they entered to begin their beautiful life together.

Inside, as Jungkook heads for the stairs, Taehyung's soft voice stops him.

Tae: "Jungkook, where should I stay?", asked softly.

Kook: "Of course, In my room" said coldly and immediately went to his room.

"Why am I allowing him to stay with me? What happened to me?", muttered to himself.

Kook: "I am going to freshen up, you can go anywhere to freshen up", said coldly and left

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Kook: "I am going to freshen up, you can go anywhere to freshen up", said coldly and left.

Taehyung went to the guest room to freshen up.

When Jungkook returns, dressed in sleek black nightwear, he immediately immersedhimself in work on his laptop.

Taehyung enters shortly after, looking cozy in sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He settles beside Jungkook on the bed, watching him work with curious eyes.

Tae: "Jungkook, you must be exhausted. Shall we sleep?" asked softly.

Kook: "Hmm, you go to sleep, I will sleep after a while", said without looking at tae.

Taehyung continued to watch Jungkook, his gaze a mix of concern and affection, silently observing him.

Kook: "What"?, asked irritated.

Tae: "Let's sleep you have done a lot of work", says innocently.

Kook: "But......

Tae: "Please" showing his puppy eyes.

Kook: "Ok", said softly.

Tae: "Yay!" His childlike enthusiasm elicited a quiet chuckle from kook.

After some time, they both slept on their respective sides of the bed.


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