Chapter 31

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Tae and kook thought of going to the new restaurant which is a bit closer to their house to have their dinner from there.

Both of them were holding each other's hands while walking around and had some small talks.

After roaming around for a while, now both were sitting inside the restaurant.

Tae: "Sweetheart, What do you want to eat?".

Kook: "Whatever you like, love", smiling.

Tae softly smiles and then calls the waiter and tell their order.

The couple starts flirting with each other while waiting for their order. After some time, the waiter came back with their food.

Both were eating their meal while sometimes feeding each other. When suddenly tae's eyes fell on the man who was sitting beside them. He was totally checking out kook while biting his lips.

Tae's blood boiled in anger. He shot death glare to the man who first got scared but then again starts looking at kook with lust.

Tae: "Bastard", muttered under his breath in anger.

He was about to beat that bastard when Kook noticed tae was not eating anything. He gets confused and then looks at tae who was looking angry.

Kook: "What happened, baby?. You did not like the food?.

Tae looks at kook who was confusingly looking at him. He noticed some sauce in the corner of kook's lips. He can see that that man was still looking at his kook.

Tae: "Let's show that bastard, whose wife he is looking at", smirk.

Without replying to kook, he wiped the sauce with his thumb and then licked the sauce from it while moaning.

Tae: "Delicious", winks at kook whose eyes widened at his act.

Tae looks at that man who was looking at him with his mouth wide opened. He smirked at him and then whispered "Mine".

He then looks at kook who was still staring at him without blinking his eyes. His whole face was red. He was looking like a tomato.

Tae softly chuckled and then calls kook who was just froze on his place. At last he waved his hand in front of kook's face who finally came into his senses.

Tae: "Are you ok, sweetheart", ask softly.

Kook slowly nodes while looking down.
Then tae starts eating his food with a pout. Kook was gazing at him the whole time.

Kook: "Look, at this cute baby of mine, he was eating his food like if he has not done that sexy act", thought in his mind while staring at tae with his whipped eyes.

"Just wait my hottie, I'm gonna kiss the hell out of you", smirk.

After, having their dinner. Both left for home. They reached their mansion. Both entered their room.

Kook closed the door and suddenly he pinned tae on the wall and smashed his lips against tae's lips. He started kissing him hungrily. Tae suddenly changed their position and pinned kook on the wall while tightly grabbing his waist.

Both were kissing each other passionately. Soon the kiss turned into a heated one. Tae bites kook's lower lips and takes his lips inside his mouth. He started to nibble them with his tongue which makes kook's moan. Taking the chance tae slide his tongue inside. He twirl his tongue inside kook's whole mouth and then sucks kook's tongue who pulls tae more closer to him.

Kook can feel tae's hardness against him as tae's whole body was pressed against him.

Tae pats kook's ass who immediately circled his legs around tae's waist and tae carried him towards the bed without breaking the kiss.

He laid down kook on the bed and hovered above him. He started grinding their lower parts making kook moans loudly in pleasure while pulling tae more closer to him.

Soon, loud moans, groans and skin slapping were heard from their bedroom.

Tae was pounding himself deeply inside kook's hole who has already cum so many times. Kook was shaking with the pleasure tae was giving him.

Tae: "You are taking me so good, darling", he groans and kook creates beautiful marks on tae's back as his eyes rolled back while only moaning tae's name in pleasure.

Tae thrust more fastly when he felt he was about to cum. After some time, tae tilts his head back, and released his cum deep inside kook whose eyes automatically closed feeling his husband semen deep inside him.

Tae slowly pulls himself out of kook who softly whines feeling emptiness. He looks at kook who was breathing heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat, his whole body was covered with his marks.

He takes kook in his arms who snuggled more closer to his chest. He softly kissed kook's forehead who in return pecked his chest. After sometime, both fell asleep in each other's embrace.


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