Chapter 10

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One night, Jungkook returns home much later than usual, his face a storm of emotions. The day had been disastrous – a major deal falling through due to employee errors, resulting in significant financial losses for the company.

At the office, Jungkook's rage had been palpable. His voice echoed through the halls as he yelled at his staff, even going so far as to fire several employees on the spot. The remaining workers spent the day on edge, silently praying for it to end before they too fell victim to their CEO's wrath.

As Jungkook enters the house, Tina approaches him hesitantly.

Tina: "Hello brother".

Kook: "What?", yelled.

Tina flinched hard and shivered in fear.

Tina: "I need some money". scared.

Without warning, Jungkook's hand flies out, striking Tina across the face. The sound of the slap echoes through the house, bringing their parents running.

Mrs Jeon: "Jungkook! What on earth has gotten into you? Why did you slap her?" asked while hugging Tina who was crying.

Mrs Jeon: "Jungkook! What on earth has gotten into you? Why did you slap her?" asked while hugging Tina who was crying

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Jungkook turns to his mother, his eyes full of intense anger. Mrs. Jeon instinctively takes a step back, fear flashing across her face.

Kook: "It's just a slap. Consider it a warning. Tell your bitch daughter that she won't be getting any money from me. Next time she comes begging, things might get much worse.", said dangerously.

As Jungkook storms upstairs, Mrs. Jeon's shock transforms into a cruel smirk.

Mrs Jeon: "Today. Not even God can save that beggar from Jungkook's rage tonight." smirks.

Jungkook bursts into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. His eyes immediately lock onto Taehyung who's watching him with concern.

Taehyung: "Koo? What's wrong?

Jungkook tries to brush past him, heading for the bathroom but Taehyung gently catches his arm.

Tae: "Hey, talk to me. What happened?asked softly.

Jungkook tightly closes his eyes, not wanting to vent his anger on Taehyung

Kook: "Nothing", said coldly.

Tae: "So why are you angry?".

Kook: "I said it's nothing! Why don't you understand", yelled.

Instead of backing away, Taehyung steps closer. With infinite tenderness, he cups Jungkook's face in his hands. Kook leaned his face on tae's touch.

Tae: "It's okay. You don't have to talk if you're not ready. But I'm here, and I won't judge you. Whatever it is, we can face it together." says softly.

Jungkook looks into Taehyung's eyes and gets lost in them.

Tae: "It's ok, if you don't want to talk I won't force you", says because kook was not saying anything.

Kook: "There was this huge deal... it would have been a game-changer for the company. But due to the mistake of the employees, I lost it, and we suffered a huge loss."

Taehyung listens attentively, his thumbs gently stroking Jungkook's cheeks.

Tae: "I'm so sorry, Koo. That must be incredibly frustrating. But you know what? If this deal fell through, an even better one will come along. Getting angry won't change what happened, right?"

Kook: "Right", said softly.

Tae: "So forget about that deal and show me your cute smile", said smiling.

Tae: "So forget about that deal and show me your cute smile", said smiling

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Tae: "Let me get you food, you must be hungry".

As they eat dinner together, Jungkook finds himself unable to take his eyes off Taehyung. He marvels at how this man, with just a few gentle words and touches, managed to calm the storm raging inside him.

Later, as Taehyung sleeps peacefully beside him, Jungkook reflects on the evening. For the first time in his life, he had shared his vulnerabilities with someone, and instead of judgment or disappointment, he'd found only support and understanding.

He places a soft kiss on Taehyung's forehead before pulling him closer, their bodies fitting together perfectly. As sleep finally claims him, Jungkook feels a sense of peace he's never known before.


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