Chapter 21

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In the morning, Kook was the first one to wake up and saw the most cutest sight, that his baby was sleeping with a cute pout while hugging his waist. He admired his cute hubby.

Kook: "This cute baby is only mine".

He blushes when he remembers their sweet night together. He softly smiles and placed soft kisses all over his tae's face.

After a few minutes, tae woke and saw his kook gazing at him lovingly.

Tae: "Good morning, koo", deep husky voice.

Kook: "Good morning, baby", lovingly kisses Tae's cheeks.

Kook tried to get up but hissed when he felt pain in his bottom.

Tae: "Are you ok, koo".

Kook: "Carry me", pout.

Tae chuckled and carried kook to the bathroom and kook snuggled more close to tae's chest. He got inside the bathroom and let kook down.

Tae: "Koo, there is no towel so i will bring it".

Kook: "Ok but come fast", pout.

Tae: *Nods and peck kook's pout*.

As tae existed the bathroom and kook took off tae's shirt that tae make him wear last night. He looks at himself in the mirror and saw his whole body is covered with hickeys.

His neck, collarbone, chest area, stomach, inner thighs all were covered with purple marks, There isn't any part of his body where tae didn't mark. He blushed and thinks he is not a virgin anymore and neither is tae.

He touched the marks and smiled widely. Tae comes and looks at the Kook who is smiling while touching his marks. He softly smiles.

Tae: "Koo, let's bath".

Both stand under the shower. Kook looks at Tae who was looking so hot with his wet body. He keeps his hands on tae's abs and starts roaming his hands over his chest.

Tae groans feeling kook's touch on his wet body. Kook starts kissing and sucking tae's neck who pulls him closer to himself by tightly gripping his waist at which kook moans. After giving him a good amount of hickeys, he pull away from his neck.

Kook: "Mine", smirk.

Both leaned and started kissing each other roughly. Tae starts caressing kook's milky skin. Kook moaned into the kiss and started tugging on tae's hair.

Tae's hand trails down to kook's ass and squeezes it causes kook to let out a gasp and moans. Water was running over their body. After a few minutes both pull away to breathe properly.

After making out for some time both showered together. Then the couple spent their day together in each other's arms. Kissing each other here and there.

Time passes like this and Tae and Kook's love gets stronger. Kook loves tae more than his life. He was cold to others but with his tae he was just a baby who wants tae's attention all the time. He can do anything for his tae. Every day they used to kiss each other, there wasn't a day that they didn't kiss each other. Both were addicted to each other. They also make love as kook loves to feel his tae more deeply.

Kook was doing his work in his office when he heard a knock.

Kook: "Come in".

Mark: "Good morning sir", looking at kook with lust.

Kook: *Ignores him*.

"Complete this file and give it to me".

Mark: "Ok sir, do you want something else sir", seducing tone.

Kook: *Glares at him*.

"Get out from here", shout.

Mark: *Flinched and immediately leaves*.

"I will make you mine one day", smirks.

Mark is a new employee who wants to get Jungkook. He knows that Kook is married but he thinks that he does not love his husband as he is a cold-hearted person. But to his luck whenever he tries to flirt with kook, he insults him badly and even slaps him.

Kook: "Bastard", muttered angrily.

He was cursing Mark when he heard a knock.

Kook: "Come in", still cursing Mark while doing his work.

Tae: "Koo".

Hearing his tae voice, kook immediately looks at him who was looking at him with his boxy smile. His eyes sparkle with happiness.

He gets up from his seat and tightly hugs his tae who immediately hugs him back.

Kook: "My peace", closes his eyes and sniffs tae's calming scent.

Tae: "You miss me koo?".

Kook: "Hmm baby I miss you so much", still hugging tae.

Tae: *Chuckled and caresses kook's back*.

Both break the hug and smiles at each other. Tae is about to sit on the couch when kook holds his hand.

Tae: "Koo?".

Kook: "Sit in my chair", peck tae's lips.

Tae: "But koo it's yours".

Kook: "Baby, What's mine is yours", says lovingly.

Tae sits on the chair and looks at kook
who was already looking at him. Kook smiles at him and sits on his lap. Tae keeps his hands on kook's waist and kook keeps his head on tae's chest.

Tae: "Koo, are you tired?".

Kook: "No baby, just wants to be close with you", Kissing tae's chest.

Tae: *He Gently strokes kook's hair and kisses there*.

"Koo, you have my photo?", looks at the photo frame on the table.

Kook: "Yes my baby".

Tae: "Why?"

Kook: "So, I can see it whenever I miss my bubba", says caressing tae's cheeks.

Tae: *Boxy smile*.

Both slowly leaned and started kissing each other. Tae rest his hand on kook's waist and squeezes it which makes kook moan. He then slides his tongue inside kook and starts exploring his mouth. Kook runs his hand through Tae's hair. Both were kissing each other with so much love and passion.


Hello Dear readers✨
If you want, you can give me your ideas. I will try to add them in my story.💜🫶🏻💜

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