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Δ Annabeth Δ

My stomach clenched and I felt like throwing up as a shiver went down my back. Something poked at my mind, telling me that something bad was going to happen. At this point though, what was worse than our current situation?

First of all, Neka and Loreen started to act weird and they dragged Clarisse into it. Then Loreen took off with Clarisse while Neka pushed Epsilon into a ravine and then disappeared.

I still shook at the memory of Neka yelling those words that made my blood run cold. You're just pawns in this game and you are being played. You think you're the best. You think you're invincible! The look in her eyes and the expression was something I would've never thought I would see on such a once sweet girl. I knew that these words also disturbed the others.

We knew that we were just ants in a bigger plan, but we didn't know to what extent and with some of our best fighters and element benders gone, we felt vulnerable. Our great leader was down for the count and he left his distracted subordinates as his stand in. Gamma was still worried about Delta, Alpha was still denying the fact that Epsilon had vanished before his eyes and Beta was thinking about Loreen. We were in no shape to do what we originally came here to do, but for Epsilon, we would continue the plan.

I sighed and my eyes slide towards the woods as something faint sound could be heard in the wind. It chilled me more and I wrapped my arms around myself, eyes narrowed and body tense. There were creatures out there that didn't sound very nice, I just hoped that we would be ready or gone by the time they found us.

I turned around quickly, almost falling off of my rock when I heard the sound of the leaves crunching beneath something. When I look though, it was only Reyna, who had one eyebrow raised and a small smirk on her face. "Hey," she walked over slowly and joined me on the rock. "You hear that?"

I nodded. "I don't like it at all, it's...strange. I read Epsilon's journal, but I am still not ready for all these odd creatures. It's really shocking to know what kind of extraterrestrials are out here. One day, I want to return and catalogue all of these animals, or as many as I can find."

"Well, you have your whole immortal life in front of you, plus, I sure that your siblings would want to help you," Reyna clasped her hands together. "I'm the praetor of New Rome, I've been through many wars and talking in front of thousands, but this planet, it strikes fear in me that I have only felt two other times. The fear of death, pain and carnage."

I shivered at those words. Reyna stood up and looked towards the others.

"We've come a long way, we can't give up now. Even though the Universe is pushing against us,we have to move forward. We didn't loose all these people, to go nowhere. I don't care what Epsilon told us to do, we're finishing this quest and we will avenge every death lost to that being."

That night we sat around the campfire, the orange glow made people look sadder than they actually were, though some look haunting since their face was molded into an ugly expression. I didn't like it, I didn't like this planet or what was happening to us. Reyna was right though, we had to finish this,but there were still doubts within my mind.

My eyes studied each person. Alpha looked angry, worried and slightly scared, maybe even lost. Beta had a look in her eyes that I didn't like, hopelessness or maybe something else. Gamma was just worried, I could tell that he would make a good father though, it ran through his blood. Nico was in deep thought and so was Reyna. The only ones that weren't as effected, though they weren't their usual selves, were the Stolls and Leo. Those three were playing with rocks and sticks, tic tac toe maybe?

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