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Δ Loreen Δ

A howl could be heard in the distance and I shivered. In front of me,the fire crackles and little things that looked like crickets but were the size of puppies, hopped around. I wrapped my arms around myself tighter and then looked towards Clarisse who was finishing with cooking the fish we had caught earlier.

Her expression was moulded into a face of concentration as she made sure that the food didn't burn. We didn't have much, just stuff to filter water, water canteens, a couple of survival things and we each had a small pan that was in each backpack. I didn't know how long we were going to be able to survive. The only thing we were going on was where that think Epsilon saw earlier and that was about it.

"Here," Clarisse held out some food for me and I nodded my thanks before we dug into their meal. "I think it will take approximately 3 days to where we are trying to get, if there are no hiccups. With those creatures nearby though, it might even take a week."

I nodded. "Yeah, we'll have to be careful now that we don't have extra protection."

We finished up our meal and she stood up. "You get some sleep, I'll take first watch." I got out my blanket and lay down a couple of feet from the fire and closed my eyes, willing myself to go to sleep.

Red and blue fire swirled around me, it almost combined into purple atone point before it all faded away except for one little flame that seemed so far away. A clicking sound resonated around me, wherever I was, most likely a cave. Water dripped and the sound of something breathing filled the air. It was faint, but definitely there. The clicking sound grew louder and than the flame glowed brighter than before, making me close my eyes.

When they opened again, I saw nothing but the inky blackness of nothingness. The flame was gone,but the sounds still remained along with a new sound, like a voice,but it was muffled beyond recognition.

In a flash, it was all gone. No sound could be heard and my body felt numb, I felt like I was floating, drowning in the darkness.

Slowly,something like metal made a shiver run down my spine. Then a tremendous roar shook me, making my eyes snap open.

I sat up quickly and Clarisse was standing a few feet away and was holding her weapon. The end of the roar echoed around the forest before dissipating.

"I don't know what that was, but we should get going," she suggested and I shook my head, standing up.

"No,you get some rest and then we leave."

Very short compared to the last update, but not all of the updates are going to be that long (Especially ones with Loreen and Clarisse because these are just to show what is going on with them)

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