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His feet hit the ground in a quiet, even pattern. His ears were only honed in on the sound of the prey he was hunting, and his eyes flickered across the passing foliage. The teen had been hunting this animal for a couple of days, though the thing oddly enough stayed near his cave. It was a dangerous animal that spit a venom that had the symptoms of fever, hallucinations and spiked emotions.

The hunter slid to a stop and looked down the small little cliff. Once again, the creature had gotten away without a scratch. He was getting frustrated and he ran a hand through his hair. He perked up when he heard something coming towards him, the distinct sound of clicking metal and the heavy thumping of footsteps told him that it was another large monster. Lately, there had been a lot more monsters and they were getting closer and closer to his cave.

He turned and ran back towards the way he came and quickly opened a pouch, throwing the dust that was in it into the air. It was a type of pollen that he had found that masked his scent from most of the creatures that were in the forest.

The male traveled for a good few minutes before he saw a small cave opening with a couple of hides tied up to cover it. When he stepped inside, there was a small fire near the front of the cave, above it there was a small opening that vented out the smoke and other things. In the back of the cave, there were materials surrounding two mattresses made of hides, one of them was occupied.

He slowly walked over and lay his bow and quiver down against the wall. He grabbed a cloth and dipped it into the bowl of water before wringing it out. The teen crouched down beside the other being and lay the cloth on his forehead. The other was taller, around 6 feet with long black hair and brown eyes. Right now, his naturally tanned skin was pale and his eyes opened to look up at him sleepily.

"Neo," he murmured before his eyes closed again.

The boy, or Neo, was a hunter. He wore clothes made of cloth that he stole from the monsters, and also some cut up hides. He was small,thin and almost looked fragile if it weren't for his hardened, dark brown eyes. His hair was cut short and his skin was slightly tanned from being outside.

He stared down at his companion. Neo had found him outside of his cave about two years ago, he didn't know where he came from. He had been caring for him and making sure he didn't die, and that had been going well until a couple of days ago when the creature showed up. The other was unfortunately sprayed with the venom and had come down with a fever. When it got bad, the other had woken up and had attacked Neo with a stone shard because he thought Neo was a monster.

The hunter was thankful that it was finally wearing off and soon the other would be back on his feet.

 Neo stood and strode back over to his bow and quiver before heading out into the forest to get rid of the monsters nearby. It would soon be night, and Neo knew that if he didn't get rid of that one monster,than soon the whole place would be swarming with them. With one last look behind him, he quickly ran quietly through the forest.

Anyway, I never actually finished my NaNo because I caught a cold and when I recovered I didn't feel like writing.  However, that made me want to write and this is what happened.  It's kind of weird, because in the first draft, Neo was introduced quite a while ago and chapter 8 was actually the second last chapter xD Right now though, we're about half way through, so the book should be around 15-19 chapters (maybe...) 

Until Next Time

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