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I step into the familiar foyer of Gael's mansion, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. Kingsley's words echo in my mind, reminding me of the dangers that lurk within these walls. But Gael's presence beside me gives me a sense of security, a reminder that I am not alone in this intricate web of uncertainty.

Kingsley, the ever-loyal butler, greets us with a relieved smile. "Glad to see you are alright, Mr. Whitlock," he says, his concern evident in his voice. But Gael brushes off his worries with a wave of his hand. "Where are they?" he asks, his focus unwavering.

"In the meeting room, sir," Kingsley responds, his gaze flickering briefly towards me. I catch the subtle hint of concern in his eyes, a silent plea for caution. But Gael, ever the enigmatic figure, seems undeterred. He turns to me, his gaze beckoning me to follow. "Come," he says, his voice a low command.

I trail behind him as we make our way through the grand corridors of the mansion. The air feels charged with anticipation, and my heart quickens its pace. What awaits us in that meeting room? What secrets will be unveiled, and what alliances will be tested?

As we approach the door, I catch a glimpse of the other gang members through the partially open doorway. Their expressions are guarded, their body language tense. The atmosphere within the room is palpable, as if each individual present holds their breath, waiting for the impending storm to break.

Gael pushes the door open, and I step into the room, the weight of uncertainty settling upon my shoulders. The walls are adorned with dark wood and muted tones, creating an ambiance that mirrors the gravity of the situation. Around the large table, the gang members sit, their eyes flicking towards Gael and me as we enter.

The heaviness of the atmosphere immediately settled upon me. The gang members, usually exuding confidence and strength, now wear expressions of weariness and frustration. Some bear visible injuries from the shooting earlier.

Gael, ever the enigmatic leader, surveys the room with a sharp gaze, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the somber faces before him. "Why the frown on your faces?" he asks, his voice cutting through the silence. His tone holds a hint of concern, a touch of authority.

"Reno got taken hostage by the rival gang," Troy reveals, his words hanging in the air like a dark cloud.

Gael's expression remains stoic, but a flicker of concern passes through his eyes. "Did we secure the goods?" he inquired, his voice calm but tinged with an underlying urgency.

"Yes, we managed to secure most of them."

"Good.l" Gael's response is curt, his words cutting through the room like a cold wind.

There is a pause, a pregnant silence that hangs in the air, heavy with unspoken disappointment. I take a seat beside Gael, my eyes scanning the room. I can see the disappointment in the air but no one dares to say anything.

But not me.

I always have something to say about this.

"I don't know Reno is but I think you should go for him," I say to Gael.

"And why is that?"

"He's part of your gang. He's family."

Gael pauses.

"She does have a point–"

"Reno knew the risks when he joined us," he says, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "We can't jeopardize the entire operation for the sake of one member."

"But we can't leave him behind. It's not fair–"

"Nothing in life is fair sweetheart."

I grit my teeth. I dont get why someone can be this cruel to their own. "So if I was the one to be taken hostage then you'd leave me behind?"

Gael's lips turn at the corner. "Yes."

"You're bluffing."

"If it means the safety of my gang and assets, then yes I will leave you."

I only huff in response.I glance around the room, meeting the eyes of my fellow gang members. We share a silent understanding, a shared disappointment, but we also recognize the pragmatic nature of Gael's fucked up decision.

"Well today was a success. Troy, please transfer the goods to my financial group so they figure out how much money we earned back. As for the rest of you, get the hell out of my sight."

The gang members, worn and weary, file out silently, their footsteps echoing with a mix of resignation and determination. Yet, I remain rooted in place, unable to shake the weight of Gael's gaze upon me.

"What?" His voice cuts through the lingering silence, his words laced with a hint of annoyance. I can feel the intensity in his stare, as if he is searching for something within me, demanding an explanation for my lingering presence.

I take a breath, steadying myself before I respond. "I thought there might be something else to discuss, but it seems like you are in a bad mood."

Gael's expression remains impassive, his eyes locked with mine. He sighs, his frustration palpable. "Stop. Come here."

"Don't talk to me like that." I swivel on my heel.

He sighs. "If it were between you and Reno then I will do my best to get you back."

"Then why didn't you say that before?" I cross my arms.

I stand frozen in place as Gael rises from his seat and takes deliberate steps toward me. The room seems to grow warmer, as if his presence alone generates an intense heat that engulfs us both. His proximity sends a jolt of electricity through my body, and I find myself holding my breath, waiting for what he will say or do next.

His voice, low and husky, resonates in the air, stirring a flurry of emotions within me. "The gang will think I'm playing favorites when your pretty ass is around me. That wouldn't be fair, right?" he murmurs, his words laced with a combination of amusement and desire. The heat rises to my cheeks, and I quickly avert my gaze, attempting to hide any sign of the blush that threatens to betray me.

Gael's eyes, piercing and intense, remain fixed on me. I can feel his gaze, like a physical touch, tracing the contours of my face. In that moment, it feels as if time stands still, as if the entire world fades into the background, leaving only the charged connection between us.

For a fleeting moment, I entertain the thought that he might lean in and capture my lips with his, succumbing to the undeniable tension that crackles between us. But just as quickly as the fantasy takes hold, Gael pulls away, breaking the spell that had momentarily enchanted us both.

"You should go now," he says, his voice curt and businesslike. "I have a lot to work on tonight."

I swallow the disappointment that threatens to consume me. With a final lingering glance, I turn on my heel and make my way toward the exit. The air feels cooler now, devoid of the magnetic pull that had enveloped us just moments before. The best I can do tonight is clear my head of what the hell had just taken place today.


i finally watched spiderverse and  i just got to say that Miguel is just something else whew! Im thinking about writing a Miguel fic or adding a character like him somewhere in my story (for future purposes)  nah, let finish with this story first. i  hope you like this update. Please vote, comment, and add this story to your library!

The Gangster and His Beauty - Gangsters in Love Series Where stories live. Discover now