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This gang is dangerous. I don't know why it took me such a long time to really get through my head, but the Twilight gang are dangerous. I need to get out of here. As I enter my room, a wave of mixed emotions washes over me. It's strange being back in familiar surroundings after spending a few days in the hospital. Everything appears the same, yet something feels different.

I can still hear the muffled sounds of laughter and camaraderie downstairs as the gang continues their banter. They welcome me home with praise and admiration, but beneath the surface, I sense an undercurrent of tension and unspoken truths.

Closing the door behind me, I take a moment to gather my thoughts. The events of the past few days weigh heavily on my mind, and I can't shake the feeling that everything has changed, even if it's not immediately apparent.

I sit on the edge of my bed, feeling the coolness of the sheets against my skin. It's in this moment of solitude that I allow myself to fully process the impact of recent events.

I take out my phone and fire some text messages to my parents. I tell them everything that has happened in a while. My parents seem distraught but I tell them not to do anything drastic because this hand is dan–


I quickly shove my phone under the pillow as Gael enters the room, holding a plate of snacks in his hands. My heart flutters at the sight of him, a mixture of curiosity and relief washing over me.

"Oh, Gael, what are you doing here?" I ask, attempting to hide the slight panic that lingers within me. His presence has become a source of both comfort and unease, a constant reminder of the complex web we find ourselves entangled in.

He grins mischievously, placing the plate of snacks on the bedside table. "I thought you might be hungry," he replies, his voice filled with a mix of warmth and playful charm. "Plus, I wanted to check up on you. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better," I reply, my voice wavering slightly.

I grow a bit nervous at Gael just staring at me. Since getting injured, he's been a lot more clingy. Gael sits beside me, his touch sending a shiver down my spine, I can't help but feel a sense of unease settle within me. Ever since the biking incident, his behavior has shifted, becoming more possessive, almost as if he's staking a claim on me.

I try to ignore the nervous flutter in my stomach as his hand gently rests on my arm. His touch is both comforting and unsettling, a constant reminder of the connection we share and the complexities of our relationship.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern. I force a smile, hoping to mask the mixture of emotions swirling inside me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, my voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Just a bit tired, I guess."

Gael's gaze lingers on me, his eyes searching for something deeper beneath the surface. It's as if he can see through the façade I'm trying to maintain.

"Leilani," he says softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "You know I care about you, right?"

I nod, feeling a lump form in my throat. It's not that I doubt his feelings for me, but there's an underlying apprehension that has crept into my heart, casting a shadow over the affection we share.

"Then why are you lying to me?"

I freeze in place. "W-what?"

Gael's hand retreats from my arm, his expression a mix of surprise and hurt. He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it, as if wrestling with his own emotions. I can see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between his desire to protect and his need to give me the freedom I crave.

"I know you have a phone."

"Let me guess, fucking Troy told you."

"He tells me everything."

"Okay? And why is that so important? Are you my parents?"

"Who were you talking to?"

"My parents."

"What did you tell them?"

"Nothing...They want to know if I'm fine since you killed my uncle."

Gael stands and rubs his nose bridge. "And why didn't you not tell me all of this before?"

"Why would I? It's not like youre truthful to me."

"Don't be like that. I'll tell you everything."

I scoff. "That's a lie."

Gael shoots me a glare then he sighs. "Look, I don't want to fight."

"Yeah you're right." I lean close to him on the bed. My touch makes him freeze in place but he doesn't seem to protest. I get on top of him and I take pleasure just seeing his bewildered face. I press my lips on his ear.

"Tonight, I'm going to go see my parents and you're not going to do anything about it."


I step outside the building, the cool evening air greets me, whispering secrets of the night. My eyes scan the surroundings, and there, by the entrance, stands Kingsley, his tall figure exuding confidence and professionalism. He flashes a charming smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners, as he addresses me.

"Good evening, Ms. Mintz. Ready to go?" Kingsley asks, his voice a smooth melody cutting through the silence.

I turn around, my gaze drifting past the building's entrance, and there he is. Gael. His presence surprises me, as if he knew where I would be and had been waiting. His usually vibrant face is clouded with an unspoken sorrow, and I can't help but wonder why he hasn't made a move yet. His presence stirs something within me, a mix of curiosity and concern.

I turn back to Kingsley, determined to keep my focus on the present. "Yes," I reply, my voice steady but my thoughts swirling.

As I step into the waiting car, the door closing behind me with a soft thud, the engine purrs to life. The vehicle glides smoothly along the streets, and I can't help but steal a glance through the window at Gael, still standing there, his gaze fixed upon me. His eyes, once filled with joy and mischief, now betray a hint of longing and sadness. A pang of guilt tugs at my heart, as if I'm leaving something behind that I shouldn't.

As the distance between us grows, I can no longer discern Gael's expression, but his presence lingers in my thoughts. Was it disappointment that shadowed his face, or something deeper? The questions swirl around my mind, a constant companion during the journey, as I try to unravel the enigma of his emotions.

The city lights flicker outside the window, casting a warm glow upon the passing streets. I turn my attention back to Kingsley, a stoic figure in the driver's seat. His unwavering professionalism is a comforting presence, grounding me in the reality of the moment.

But still, Gael's image lingers, a gentle ache in the back of my mind.

I'm going to be seeing Barbie tomorrow night with some friends. Can't wait to watch it!!

The Gangster and His Beauty - Gangsters in Love Series Where stories live. Discover now