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I'm thrown into a dimly lit room, my body crashing against the cold, unforgiving floor. The metallic clang of the door slamming shut echoes through the air, sending shivers down my spine. Panic surges through me as I frantically scan my surroundings. It's a small, windowless space with peeling paint and a stale smell that lingers in the air.

I pace back and forth, my mind racing, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. One a scale to 0 to100, how fucked am I?

The anxiety gnaws at my insides, preventing any hope of sleep from taking hold. The mere thought of falling into the clutches of the notorious Thunder Dragons to their base somewhere in NYC. I don't know much about them but I Know they are a rival to the Twilight gang. Tales of violence, extortion, and bloodshed that have spread like wildfire through the streets. They operate with impunity, leaving a trail of fear and destruction in their wake. Being caught in their grasp is a fate worse than death itself.

I glance at the barren walls, desperate for any sign of escape. But all I see are reminders of the helplessness that engulfs me. The room offers no solace, no answers, only a haunting silence that amplifies the fear within me.

I freeze in the dimly lit corridor, the sound of heavy footsteps reverberating through the air. Each step is punctuated by the distinct click of heels, creating an eerie symphony that sends chills down my spine.

I press myself against the wall, my breath coming in short, shallow gasps. The fear grips me, its icy fingers tightening around my throat, making it difficult to swallow. And then, the doors swing open, revealing Andrew, his posse, their expressions a mixture of arrogance and malice.

But it's the woman beside him who captures my attention. She stands tall, draped in a long, flowing leather coat that billows behind her. Her dark heels click against the floor, accentuating her confident stride. Her brunette hair cascades in loose waves around her shoulders, framing a face that exudes wickedness.

Her piercing gaze meets mine, sending a shiver down my spine. There's something unnerving about her, an air of danger that lingers in her presence. The red dress she wears seems to radiate power, as if she's taken control of the very essence of the color itself.

I try to avert my gaze, to shrink back into the safety of the shadows, but her eyes hold me captive. They pierce through the fear and uncertainty, stripping away any pretense of control I may have clung to. In that moment, I know she sees right through me, sees the vulnerability that lies beneath.

"So this is the girl huh?" The woman finally speaks. She's got an accent. I can't tell where it's from.

"It's her alright."

The women's rolls her eyes. "I told you people to get me Gael, not some bitch who's shagging him."

"Oh, this ain't no regular girl." Andrew whispers in the woman's ear and she raises her eyebrows.

"Bobby you say?"

"What about my uncle?" I match her stare.

The woman flicks her hair. "Bobby was a great spy for us, too bad he got caught 'cause of you."

"This is why I said, don't hire guys with things to lose. They are the worst." Andrew says.

"Tell that to your last boss."

My heart races as the woman, with her striking red dress and wicked stare, approaches me. Fear swirls within me, a tumultuous storm threatening to consume my composure. Her words cut through the tension, sending a chill down my spine.

"You know, the both of us have things in common. We both lost families to that monster, Gael," she says, her voice dripping with a mix of bitterness and determination.

I blink, caught off guard by her statement. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" I manage to stammer out, my voice betraying my unease.

She smirks, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Violet. I'm the new leader of the Thunder Dragons."

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. The Thunder Dragons—a name synonymous with chaos and violence—now have a new leader, and she stands before me, a formidable force to be reckoned with.

My mind races. "What do you want from me?" I ask, my voice trembling.

Violet's smirk widens, revealing a glimpse of her ruthless nature. "I don't want you," she says, her tone cold and calculated. "But the only way to get his attention is by taking someone he cares about."

Dread clutches at my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs. I understand the depth of her words, the implications they carry. She plans to use me as leverage, a pawn in her twisted game. Panic rises within me, threatening to overwhelm any semblance of bravery I might possess.

I meet Violet's unwavering gaze, I summon every ounce of courage within me. I straighten my posture, steadying my trembling hands. "If you want his attention," I say, my voice firm, "find another way."

Her eyes narrow, her expression shifting from amusement to something darker. "Aw, did you two break up? I would let go of you but that means killing you."

"Why are you even doing all of this? I thought this was just some petty gang shit."

I stand there, my heart pounding, as Violet's laughter fills the air. It's a chilling sound, one that sends shivers down my spine. Her amusement at the situation makes my blood run cold."Petty? Our gangs have been rivals for years," she says, her voice laced with a mix of disdain and amusement. "This is nothing compared to the past as rivals."

Her words hang in the air, emphasizing the depth of the animosity between our factions. The history of violence and bloodshed weighs heavily upon me, reminding me of the dangerous world I've become entangled in.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice trembling.

A wicked smile curves her lips as she meets my gaze. "That's because I want Gael to suffer what he has taken from me," she replies, her voice dripping with vengeance. "My brother, Freddy, who keeps all of this running—our money, our power. And I'm going to start by luring Gael here."

My mind spins with the implications of her plan.

"Then as for you..." Wickedness spreads on her lips. "You can join him in hell."

I hate the fact this book is about to end :(

The Gangster and His Beauty - Gangsters in Love Series Where stories live. Discover now