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As the night air embraces us, I hold on tightly to Gael's waist, our bodies pressed together on the roaring motorcycle. The wind whips through my hair, carrying with it a sense of freedom and exhilaration. The cityscape rushes past us in a blur of lights and motion, an urban symphony that plays to the rhythm of our journey.

In this fleeting moment, the world around us fades into insignificance. It's just Gael and me, bound by the thrill of the ride and the unspoken connection that lingers between us. I find solace in the intimacy of the moment, the warmth of his body against mine serving as a temporary refuge from the chaos of reality.

But deep within me, a whisper of doubt tugs at my heart. Our paths have diverged in more ways than I can count, and I am acutely aware of the divide that separates us. Our lives are marked by different choices, different loyalties, and a darkness that lingers beneath the surface.

For all the romance that courses through my veins in this stolen moment, I know deep down that it cannot last. As the motorcycle carries us through the sleepless city, I try to hold on to the knowledge that this is just a temporary escape. Our lives are intertwined for now, but the world we inhabit together is built on fragile ground. I must remain vigilant, guarding my heart against the dangerous allure of forbidden love.

"Gael,"I call him.


"When we get home, I need to talk to you about something–"

My heart races as I catch sight of the black car hurtling towards us, its speed suggesting a dangerous intent. A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, jolting me into a heightened state of alertness. Gael, sensing the impending threat, tenses up and swiftly maneuvers the motorcycle to the right, narrowly evading the oncoming car's path.

The screech of tires fills the air as Gael brings the motorcycle to a sudden stop, his gaze locked on the vehicle that now positions itself behind us. Panic washes over me as I realize the gravity of the situation. The car's flashing headlights serve as a chilling warning, its presence rife with ominous intent.

"Shit," Gael mutters, his voice laced with urgency. He revs the engine, his determination evident as he assesses the unfolding danger. We exchange a brief glance, and in that fleeting moment, we share an unspoken understanding - our lives have taken an unforeseen turn, and we must navigate the treacherous road ahead together.

Without hesitation, Gael propels the motorcycle forward, accelerating with unwavering determination. The engine roars beneath us as we race through the labyrinthine streets, our pursuers hot on our heels. Every twist and turn serves as a desperate bid to shake off our relentless adversaries, to outmaneuver their pursuit and secure our escape.

Fear intertwines with determination within me as I hold on tightly to Gael, my fingers gripping his waist with a fierce intensity. The wind whips against my face, mirroring the intensity of my racing thoughts.

The chase continues, the relentless pursuit of our unknown assailants casting a shadow of uncertainty over our every move. We navigate the intricate web of streets, our pursuers inch ever closer, their menacing presence bearing down upon us. My heart pounds in my chest, each beat echoing the urgent rhythm of our escape. The city lights blur into a whirlwind of colors, a vibrant backdrop to our high-stakes chase.

Gael's skillful maneuvers become our lifeline, each twist and turn a calculated effort to evade capture. I cling desperately to Gael, our bodies pressed together on the speeding motorcycle. Gael, his hands steady on the handlebars, pushes the motorcycle to its limits, his face evident with determination.

In a desperate bid to evade our pursuers, Gael veers toward a narrow alleyway– the motorcycle lurches uncontrollably. The world spins around me, time suspended in a horrifying moment of disarray. The screech of metal and the shattering of glass assault my ears as the motorcycle collides with the unforgiving ground.

Pain radiates through my body as we crash onto the asphalt, the impact jarring and disorienting. The air is sucked from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath, my heart pounding in my chest. In the haze of the aftermath, I search for Gael, my hands trembling as I reach out to him from the wreckage.

With trembling hands, I brush off the dirt and debris, attempting to steady myself. Gael helps me to my feet, his touch reassuring me. "Are you okay?" He checks my head.

"I think so."

"Aw look at this boss. A couple's love before their imminent death."

A shiver runs down my spine as I take in the sight before me. The same man from the party standing before us, flanked by his gang members, sends chills through my body. The insignia of the Thunder Dragons tattooed on his neck is a clear indicator of the danger.

"What the hell was all of that," says Gael. "You scratched my bike."

"You should be worried about your life than that fucking bike, Gael." The man says.

Gael's bravado wavers slightly, his casual demeanor fading. I can see the flicker of concern in his eyes. The gang members close in around us, their presence suffocating, their guns a menacing reminder of who has the power.

Gael takes my hand and whispers, "I have a plan, but there's a chance it might not work and get one of us killed but it's worth a try."


"Follow my lead babes."

Gael takes a step forward. "Wow, the all fearless Thunder Dragons managed to catch me all this time. And where is your leader? I'm sure he–oh wait, he's dead." He laughs and that seems to set anger on the man.

"Look who's talking about cowardness when you snuck into our party, took out our boss and robbed us ten hid like the little bitches you are."

"What's with the long feelings, Andrew. I thought you were friends."

"That's before I found out what kind of person you are." He cocks his gun.

I steal a glance at Gael taking out his gun from behind. His eyes are laser-focused, his movements calculated and swift. "You sure you don't wanna talk?" he says to Andrew who seems serious about killing us.

"Fuck off Gael."

"I thought you might say that." With a blink of an eye, Gael shoots first, catching them off guard. "Take cover!" He yells and I move without a single thought.

Gunfire continues to echo around us, accompanied by shouts and cries of both agony and defiance. The air is heavy with the scent of smoke and the metallic tang of blood.

I run for my life without looking back. Right now, I need to escape. Now, I need to sur–a sudden impact reverberates through my body. Pain surges through every nerve, searing through my consciousness. I collapse to the hard ground, the world spinning around me in a disorienting haze.

I struggle to stay conscious, fighting against the pull of unconsciousness that threatens to engulf me completely. The sounds of gunfire intensify, mingling with the rhythm of my own heartbeat, the shouting and a heavy crashing noise pound in my ears.

I try hard to stay awake, but my weakened body eventually gives in and I am unwilling to succumb to the darkness.


i got a cold in the middle of summer 😡 

The Gangster and His Beauty - Gangsters in Love Series Where stories live. Discover now