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Gael forced me and the gang to attend another meeting today. I don't know what he has to say to us so suddenly in the morning. Like what hell is there even to discuss. We finished the mission fucking around with the rival gang.

Grumbling under my breath, I make my way towards the meeting room. The morning hasn't been particularly kind to me, and my irritation seeps through every step. As I push open the door, my eyes immediately fall upon Gael, who stands at the front of the room, addressing the gang members who have already gathered, well ahead of me.

Gael pauses mid-sentence, his gaze shifting towards me. "You're late," he states matter-of-factly.

"Sorry," I retort, my tone laced with sarcasm, "I was too busy getting my beauty rest."

A smirk plays upon Gael's lips as he retorts, "Looks like you're gonna need another hundred years of beauty rest."

I shoot him a glare, feeling the weight of the room's attention upon us. The gang members' snickers fill the space, their amusement echoing through the air. I cross my arms, not backing down, and remark, "Wow, and just the other night, you were calling me beautiful and everything."

More laughter erupts, the atmosphere lightening with playful banter.

"You gonna let her say that to you, boss?" Someone in the group speaks up.

Gael's lips press together, a fleeting glimmer of amusement in his eyes, though he attempts to maintain a composed facade. "Sit down, Mintz," he instructs, his voice commanding.

I find my seat, the energy in the room shifting as the focus turns back to the matters at hand.

I sit in the meeting room, my attention wandering as Gael continues to speak, recounting the details of the mission and its successes. My mind drifts, my focus slipping away from his words. The monotony of it all feels suffocating, and my boredom becomes palpable.

"We successfully recovered most of our assets," Gael declares, his voice ringing with a sense of accomplishment. "But we all need to lay low for a while."

I nod absentmindedly, my gaze fixed on a random spot on the table. The gang members engage in small talk, discussing various aspects of the mission. I half-heartedly listen, their voices fading into a dull buzz in the background.

"Everyone, now." Gael declares, "Meeting dismissed. Stay safe and keep an eye open for the enemy."

The others begin to file out of the room, their footsteps echoing in the silence that follows. But I remain seated, my mind lost in a haze of thoughts. The weight of the mission, the dangers that surround us—they weigh heavily upon my shoulders.

As Gael turns around, his eyes catching mine, a flicker of surprise passes over his features. "Fuck. What are you still doing here?" he exclaims, his voice filled with a mix of annoyance and concern.

He then composes himself as if I didn't see just get shitless scared for a moment. "Aren't you supposed to be off on your beauty sleep?"

"I have some things to ask you." I cross my arms.

"Is that so?" he nears me. "Well, lucky for you I have plenty of time for you."

I put my hand on his chest, stopping him from coming any closer. "I'm serious."

"Okay, what is it?"

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the words I'm about to speak. Gael's mention of recovering their stolen assets triggers a thought within me—a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, my own burden can be lifted.

"I heard you mention something about recovering most of your assets," I begin, my voice steady but laced with anticipation.

Gael's eyes meet mine, curiosity flickering in their depths. "Yes, we have most of the stolen money back," he confirms, his tone guarded.

I pause, gathering my thoughts before continuing. "Okay, well, I'm sure that, combined with the things Uncle Bobby stole from you, is enough to..." My voice wavers slightly, but I push through. "Enough to pay off my debt."

The room falls into an uneasy silence, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air. Gael's expression shifts, a whirlwind of emotions crossing his features—a mixture of shock, anger, and a hint of fear lurking beneath it all.

"So?" I press, my voice tinged with frustration. "That is confidential," Gael retorts, his tone guarded.

I take a moment to steady myself, fighting back the anger that threatens to consume me. How can he claim that this information is confidential when it directly concerns my own circumstances?

I raise my voice, unable to contain my growing frustration. "How is that confidential when all of this literally has to do with me?" The words escape my lips with an intensity fueled by a deep sense of injustice.

Gael's voice rises in response, his tone filled with exasperation. "Because it doesn't!" he retorts, his words cutting through the air like a blade.

My anger flares, my resolve strengthening with each passing second. I take a step closer to Gael, my gaze unwavering. "You said that when I pay off my debt, then I can go," I remind him, my voice laced with determination.

He sighs, the frustration evident in his expression. "Yes, well, you haven't paid it off," he replies, his tone softer but firm.

I lock eyes with Gael, the intensity of the moment simmering between us. Silence hangs heavily in the air as I process his words. How can I move forward when the extent of my debt remains shrouded in secrecy?

"How much do I owe?" I demand, my voice unwavering.

Gael's gaze meets mine, his features momentarily unreadable. "Enough for you to be here for a while."

I stare at Gael, a mixture of disbelief and defiance brewing within me. My gut tells me that there's more to this story, that the truth has been obscured by half-truths and hidden motives.

Gael's gaze flickers, his expression shifting. He hesitates, the weight of my demand evident in his eyes. After a tense moment, he relents, realizing that the truth must be unveiled.

"Fine," he concedes, his voice laced with resignation. "I'll show you."

I stand my ground, waiting for Gael to retrieve the information. As he retrieves the necessary records, a mix of anticipation and trepidation fills the room. Gael hands me the documents, and as I scan through the numbers and figures, a range of emotions washes over me. They are right there on paper, but still something about these numbers are not right. The papers crumpled at the sides and then I throw the paper at him.

"This is bullshit!" I breathe out. Then I start to leave the office room. Gael holds on to my arm with concern in his gaze. I yank my arms from him and storm out. Before I leave, I could hear him say:

"Keep your door open when you still want to talk."



The Gangster and His Beauty - Gangsters in Love Series Where stories live. Discover now