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I wake up with a jolt, my eyes wide open as the sunlight streams through the curtains. It's an unusual feeling, waking up earlier than expected. Normally, I sleep in, relishing in the comfort of my bed until late morning. After all, what's the rush? I have nothing to do other than sitting around attending "meetings" with Gael and the gang, or hanging out with Kingsley for most of the day. Sometimes Shaion comes to sin but she's always too busy to talk. But today feels different somehow, a subtle shift in the air that nudges me awake.

I lie in bed, my mind begins to wander back to my normal life in the city, the one I left behind by force. The boutique, with its cozy interior and eclectic collection of clothing, was my haven. It was just me, sometimes Uncle Bobby, and his never-ending antics. I miss the simplicity of those days, the satisfaction of running my own business and interacting with customers who weren't Karen of course. I slip my hand into my pillow where my phone stays hidden. I want to call my parents so bad but the truth is. I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of how they would react to everything. Do they even know uncle Bobby is dead? I doubt it. Growing up as a girl, my parents never liked uncle Bobby. They think he's a bad influence on me. But he turned out to the only one who actually stuck by me when I moved away from my family to live out my dreams.

But they're my parents. I hear mumbling from th

I sigh and throw off the covers, deciding to embrace the unexpected early start. Maybe it's a sign, a nudge from the universe telling me to reclaim a piece of my old life. With a sense of purpose, I jump out of bed and quickly get dressed, eager to face the day ahead.

I prep myself then I slowly make my way downstairs, the wooden steps creaking beneath my feet. As I reach the landing, I freeze in my tracks, catching a glimpse of one of the gang members slipping out the front door. From my understanding living here for a while, most of them don't actually live in this house; they're more like sitcom friends, randomly popping into the scene as they please. It's a strange arrangement, but somehow it works for me. I don't need to see random men just roaming in the place I'm living in for the meantime.

Shaking off the curiosity of their departure, I continue toward the kitchen, my stomach rumbling with hunger. I swing open the door and step inside, greeted by the familiar aroma of coffee and the sight of scattered dishes in the sink. The cupboards stand tall against the walls, filled with an assortment of food, but I can't decide what to eat. I can understand its contents, but nothing jumps out at me. Cereal? No, not in the mood. Pasta? Nah, too heavy. I move to the next cupboard, hoping for a burst of inspiration. Then I decided to settle for a simple cup for coffee.

"Looking for a meal?"

I turn around and see Kingsley in his usual suits and gloves entering the kitchen. He has a warm pleasant smile on his face. For only 7 am in the morning one sure is happy.

"Yeah, I was about to make some breakfast."

"What would you like to eat?"

"Uh, I'm not sure, I was just going to make some coffee first."

"How much sugar would you like?" Kingsley walks into the kitchen and starts the electric kettle. "Or I suppose you're not a sweet tooth like my boss."

"Uh, I can make it myself." I ignore his last words even though I find the information quite intriguing. Gael, a sweet tooth? How funny.

"No please, Ms. Minzy takes a seat and I will serve you breakfast. I can make your pancakes while I wait for the coffee to brew."

"Uh..." I decided to sit down on the stools. I watched a Kingsley movie about the kitchen, preparing me some nice fluffy pancakes and a hot cup of tea. He drizzles some syrup for me. I reach out to grab the whip cream and he does it for me. I let out a sigh.

The Gangster and His Beauty - Gangsters in Love Series Where stories live. Discover now