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--Gray POV--

I wake up the next morning, fully prepared for initiation... Despite not knowing how it works at all. Okay maybe I'm mildly prepared for initiation!

--In another part of the building.--

A black haired boy opens his eyes, to the sight of a orange haired girl. The two are named Ren and Nora. "Wake up lazy butt!" Ren sighs as Nora starts singing "It's morning, it's morning, IT'S MORNING!" The two go on to do their morning routines as Nora babbles on about whatever as Ren tries his best to ignore her. Clearly used to it at this point.

--Back to Gray--

I'm in the locker and I see a two students uhh... Conversing? Yeah, conversing in the distance. "Ooh, we should come up with a signal so that we know when to find each other in the forest! Maybe a sloth noise?" This orange haired girl is quite the excited one eh? "Nora... I don't think sloths make a lot of noise." "That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together."

I slowly walk up to the two, kind of worried and confused. "Uh... Hi?" The mostly black haired boy says to me. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just looking for my lock- gah!" Nora appears in front of me "Away from my teammate you! Team ears only!" I'm mildly taken aback by her directness... But the hint is gotten. I'm not wanted. "I'm sorry to interrupt you two. I'll be going now." I start walking away, sad my first conversation was cut so short. "No no, you can stay. What's your name? Mine's Lie Ren." The black haired boy gives me a slight pleading look as he asks this. "Uhhh..... Gray... Gray Afterglow." "Well, a pleasure to meet you Gray." "Yeah. Likewise."

I awkwardly walk away from the two. I see the white-haired girl from yesterday and a redheaded girl chatting away about whatever. Doesn't really concern me. "Oh, finally I found my locker." I take my weapons out. My sword, a simple Scimitar named Saphirus, which is in reference to it's blue handle, which also turns into a .223 caliber AR-15."

"Wonder what those two were so worked up about" I hear Ruby say, seemingly mostly disinterested. "Oh who knows. So Ruby, you seem oddly chipper today" Yang says in her normal enthusiastic tone. "Yep! No more awkward "small talk" or "getting to know you" stuff, today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." I walk by the two, my sword in hand... Just hoping to get through initiation.

"Oh, hey Gray!" Ruby shouts, uncharacteristically enthusiastically at me. Yang was right, she is chipper today. "Oh uh... hi?" "OOOOOOOOH!!!! Nice weapon! Can I see it?!" I give Yang pleading eyes as Ruby asks about my weapon. "Okay Ruby, you might want to get out of his face a little." "Oh, come on, he was fully okay with you doing the same thing yesterday! I just want to see his weapon!" Yang sighs a little and resigns me to my fate. I mimic her sigh and look at Ruby. "It's an Arabian Scimtar. It's called Saphirus... Happy? Please? I still didn't get all my stuff and I woke up late" "Ooooooh! That's a pretty weapon! Does it do anything?" "It can be infused with dust, and transforms in to an AR-15. Made it myself a few years back, and it's never let me down when my town got invaded with Grimm!"

After I finish talking about my weapons, I walk away and sigh. "These people have... A lot of energy." After walking a few more moments, a red-haired girl bumps into me as she's talking with the white-haired girl from yesterday.

"I'm sorry!" The red-head replies, seeming genuinely sorry. "Ugh, how dare you be so slow, getting in the way. Do you even know who you just bumped into?!" The white-haired girl replies. "Actually, he bumped into me-" "I'm sorry." "No, but-" Red girl blurts out, trying to get a word in before cut of by me again, I just want to get out of here. "I'm... sure you're more important than me." I quickly walk away and leave to run off somewhere else.

--Ruby POV--

After seeing Gray run away, I'm too in shock to say anything. "So Pyrrha, have you given any though to who's team you'd like to be on?" Pyrrha looks still a little shocked at the situation that happened a moment beforehand, and how quickly Weiss changed moods. "Hm... I'm not quite sure, I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may, I guess." "Well, I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together?" Weiss asks, still seeming unfazed at what she just did beforehand. "Well... That could work maybe." Weiss's face changed to one more of confusion at why Pyrrha didn't jump at the opportunity to team with her. "Well, I hope you end up on my team!"

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