Lost Moon

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"Well everyone, since we are at the near end of the first semester, Ozpin told me it would be a fun time to do some exhibition matches between the students. No hate, no anger, just some battles between first and second year students." Professor Goodwitch said. All the first and second year students had gathered up in a small arena that was rented out for the school. Pretty similar to the one used in the Vytal Tournament actually, so its pretty excitng to say the least.

"Would any team like to volunteer?" The blonde professor asked. "We'll take on anyone." Coco said with her usual smugness, not surprising anyone who actually knew her that she'd step up. She's not exactly known for her incompetence. "Well... Since you're so confident, pick two of your team members to fight-" "Me and Yatsu can handle anything. Hey, Gray, think you can take us on?" Coco asked with a confident smirk. "I'd love to but... I don't exactly have a teammate." I looked to Professor Goodwitch to come up with a solution fast. "Well, considering Mr. Afterglow doesn't have a teammate, it's unfair to make him fight against two people. Would one of you consider sitting out of this fight then? Perhaps Mr. Daichi since Coco is so confident?" Glynda states in her usually commanding tone, pretty much saying that this spar would be between Coco and me. 

Yatsuhashi, as unspoken as ever, nods and runs off to the stand to rejoin his team. "Shame, would have loved a chance to whoop up Team CFVY's ass." Coco laughs and takes out her purse, Gianduja, and gets ready to fight me. "Well, you'll just have to settle for losing to me." She says with a confident smirk. "I wouldn't call using a minigun in a 1v1 fight practical, I'd say I like my odds." 

Suddenly, a bolt comes in my head, a reminder of my semblance if you will. "Let me handle this one, I haven't gotten to play with a toy in forever." Great, you're back. "When you say toy are you talking about the weapons or the person?" "Always both, it's fair to assume that both are toys to one like myself." As my sighs reach Coco's ears, she uses the natural assumption to think I'm simply nervous. 

"Scared you won't be able to win? Don't worry, losing to me wouldn't be the worst thing in the world now would it?" "However wouldn't losing to me be terrible for you? The big strong leader of team coffee losing to a mere first year?" Get out of my head, stop messing with my thought process! Though, it seemed Coco did enjoy the snappy responses coming from me. 

"Yeah yeah, I'll whoop your ass easily, if I break anything, it'll be replaced don't worry." I snicker at the wit coming from Coco, before taking out my staff and putting it in my hands, sighing and cracking my knuckles. 

"Well..." I prepare to activate my semblance, first time I've done this since I was a kid, but the phrase, as is the pest that comes along with it, sticks right in your brain. "Let's have some fun now, shall we?" I utter out as my iris's fade and my eyes turn full black, my grip on my weapon tightens and my breathing slows along with my heart beat. I feel relaxed, like my soul is leaving my body, a state of content if you will. Shame the second I regain control all of that will be changed by exhaustion. 

"Gray? You feeling okay?" Coco asks genuinely, confused what randomly just happened to my eyelids, as would anyone be when being met with my semblance. "Side affect of fighting, sometimes things like this happen when I fight too much." "Too much? We haven't even started yet?" Shit, the most obvious lie ever called out. "Ran out early in the morning to train on some Grimm in the Emerald forest for a few hours since I couldn't sleep." You know, sometimes this spirit isn't too bad.

Coco seemed to accept that excuse and readied her weapon, starting to eye me more seriously. I rush towards her, sliding my staff under her, trying to sweep her out, yet it missed her foot by a hair, clearly my good friend here is shaking off some rust. Coco quickly catches herself and swings her purse at my skull, geez, ya know this face is breakable right? I slide back, steeling myself and jumping back into the fight, having the red, burn dust crystal facing the fashionista and firing it to throw her off guard. Dashing to the side and lunging my staff forward, connecting with her hip. I bring my staff back and sweep her again with my legs. She falls, but catches herself, flipping backwards and wiping some of the sweat off her brow.

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