Tensions Arising

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--Gray POV-- 

I mindlessly listened to Professor Port's spiels about Grimm and his greatness, not really caring too much as well... Most of it is just review and especially review for me when my family used to own hundreds of books about this stuff.

"Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night, yes the creatures of Grimm have many names! Of course I merely refer to them as prey! Hahaaaaa!" Professor Port says loudly, trying (and failing) to keep everyone interested. I look over at team RWBY to see Blake and Yang paying close and proper attention, Weiss taking notes, and Ruby, the leader... Sleeping. Welp that team's off to a great start. 

"And you shall too among graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms of Remnant, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that-" Well I'll give Beacon credit, most of its information on the absolute minimal basics is actually accurate, guess all that funding does actually go to creating a positive learning environment after all.

"Huntsman! Huntresses." Professor Port adds with a wink and suddenly, despite being a guy, I'm super uncomfortable. Let's see what the other students are up to. Okay, seems like everyone is actually trying to pay attention to these lectures, impressive to be honest. "But first, a story, a tale of a young, handsome man... Me!" Well, I'm sure I'm not missing too much by getting a few notes about what we have so far.

I start writing down the different types of Grimm on pieces of paper. Ursa, Beowolf, Nevermore, Deathstalker, Goliath, Megoliath, Leviathan. I continue listing off types until class ends, where Weiss looks incredibly pissed off. 

'Yo Weiss, what's up with you?" She ignores me for a bit but I just keep following her for a few before she mutters "I should've been the leader of team RWBY." I roll my eyes and sigh. "Well, you weren't, but I think I understand why." Weiss gives me a shocked look but is willing to hear me out. "I think Ozpin picks the roles of the teams based on who he thinks would benefit the most from that position. Since you're usually at the head of everything from what I can tell, I think he assumes that you'd be better off taking a back step and growing from that instead. After all, you will always have your higher ups whether you like it or not... Sorry, I kinda rambled a bit there." I end out the conversation with an awkward sigh as I rub my nape just as awkwardly. "I guess that makes... some sense." Weiss says defeatedly, knowing she's in the wrong but still mad. "Besides, acting out about it won't get you anywhere, Oz doesn't seem like he'll change his mind so easily." 

Weiss nods and I walk away, a bit later I notice Ruby speaking to Ozpin himself, I try listening into the conversation and I couldn't make out too much, but it seems they'd been here a while.

"You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility Ruby, I advise you take some time to think about how you'll uphold it." Ozpin turns to walk away before he notices me. "Oh, it seems we have a guest." He gestures for me to come over and talk, in truth I was hoping to get some time to talk to Ozpin on my own but... It seems we'll have to wait for that. 

"Hey..." I say with a bit of drowsiness in my voice. "Greetings Mr. Afterglow. What brings you around here, it's not like you to be back at your dorms so early." Professor Ozpin says in his usual calm tone. His look friendly but calculating, as if he can read my every move before I even conceive it. "I just wished to speak to you... In your office." Ozpin nods to me and leads me to his office.

"So, Mr. Afterglow. What did you wish to discuss with me?" Glynda's look was much more obviously piercing, but it honestly made her less intimidating than Ozpin as her intentions were far more known. "I have a question to ask. Do you know of an Amber? Brown skin, brown hair around shoulder length?" Ozpin's gaze falters slightly, seemingly confused as to why I would bring up such an individual. "Why do you ask?" 

This is a rough subject for me but I guess I gotta take the fall now. "Well, I haven't seen her in many months. I knew her for a bit before I left the orphanage and I knew she was quite the traveler but she left without saying a word... Which just seemed odd to me." Glynda had a suspicious look on her face but seemed a bit intrigued. "And why should we know about such an individual?" She said defensively, clearly hiding something. "Glynda, there's no need to lie to a student about something that clearly matters to him." In truth, I knew damn well what happened to her, I just didn't know where she went. "Yes, M I r. Afterglow, we do know where your friend Amber is. Could you please however, tell us the last time you saw her?" 

"It's difficult to describe but... It's going to make my prior questioning seem pointless if I explain." Ozpin gives a light laugh and nods to me. "It is okay sir, you can be honest with me. If you have anything important to say, feel free to speak your mind." I sigh and close my eyes imagining the situation. 


"No, Amber. It's fine... I'll just be going out for a few minutes to grab something from the market, it'll be no issue! Cloud is injured so you'll be slowed down by him heavily anyways, it'll be no issue." Amber gives me a worried look. "It's no issue to you maybe, but what if someone were to attack you? You're getting better but you still aren't the best fighter, I'd feel safer if you were just- and he's gone. Well, I guess I'll just trust him." 

I walk through the market, humming to myself and happily buying food. Man, Amber worries too much. I'm old enough to go to the market for a little bit to buy some food for our travels. 

I leave and is that... Amber using magic? Is that her semblance she's been talking so much about, it seems really cool but why is she- She's being attacked! I rush over to try and help but its too late it seems. I drop my items and back away, no I need to help! But before I can even consider it, some guy with dark gray hair and a scythe takes her, darting off in another direction. Frozen in fear, yet still agile at the same time, I just start running.


"I see." "I didn't even see the gray haired guy coming, nor did I ever catch anything about him. I saw a crow a bit before but I assumed it flew off or got injured, yet it approached further." Ozpin looks at me with a knowing look. "Yes I see, and I presume you have numerous questions." "Yes... One, where was she taken, two, what was that magic stuff she did, and three, where is her weapon."

"Well to answer your first question, it's unfortunately classified information, Mr. Afterglow. For your second, do you know about the story of the maidens?" I look at him confusedly, before sighing. "I think my guardian told me it once or twice. It's a story about four people who helped an old man, so the old man blessed them with legendary powers correct? Or something along those lines." Ozpin gave me a soft smile. Good, you at least understand that much. Yes, the maidens are of summer, fall, winter, and spring. But what if I let you in on a secret?" My curiosity piqued, I nodded slightly, allowing him to continue. "Go on." "That story... It's not fiction, my friend. It's a true story."  What?! I looked at him with my mouth agape. "Okay." I laughed along a bit. "So even if I were to believe that you weren't bullshitting me here, how does this transfer to Amber?" "Simple, when a maiden dies, her power is transferred over, and she was the choice to be a maiden." 

I slowly nod in understanding, not wanting to press to much further. "And her weapon?" Ozpin nods to me and takes me to an elevator. "You wish to see her yes?" "Depends, is she still able to hear or understand anything I may say?" Ozpin nods. "She's not in a state of conversation, but she can hear and understand you." I rush to the elevator as quickly as possible, trying to see her as soon as I possibly could. "Take me to her." 

Ozpin slowly leads me down to where she was supposedly being kept. It was a long trip, but it felt like only but a second, as the doors opened, I see a large vault like area with a computer at the end. 

"What is this place? 

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