The Found Hour

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After an hour or so of walking mindlessly, Sun, understandably so, seemed incredibly annoyed at the lack of progress. It would be understandable that he would be annoyed, chasing after a girl he barely knew and just had the hots for over a single glance or two.

"We get nothing accomplished this way! Do you even know where we're going?" Sun pointed at me, don't know why he'd put his frustrations out on me. I'm following from the back, so I have no idea where we're possibly going.

"Shouldn't you be directing that comment at the person leading us?" I sigh, before looking at Blake and Sun. "Just wandering aimlessly gets us nowhere, Blake, do you know where they might be? You seem to just be acting like a babysitter as opposed to someone trying to find criminals."

Blake gave me an annoyed look, nodding at me and stopping.

"We'll divide and conquer. One of us will explore the docks, there's a likely chance that if they're doing any sort of criminal activity, they're doing it there. Considering it's getting late, odds are they'll try and do it while there's nobody around. Secondly, there's a warehouse nearby that has had weird boosts in activity according to the news latel-"

"What?! So the cops know about this illegal activity, yet they're just doing nothing about it?" Sun yells out, shocked by this sudden revelation. Blake shrugs it off, seems these two know little of how this city works.

"Sun, Vale is a city practically run by crime. The only difference between it and the lower ports of Mistral is that one of them tries to keep a pretty look about itself. Until recently, the city was dominated by the mafia, even the police were under its thumb. Now, however, it seems a different man has the town under his foot." Sun looked at me again, as if he didn't know who I was talking about and expected me to elaborate. "For real? It's Roman Torchwick, do none of you watch the news? Or read a newspaper? Or use the internet?" Blake shoots me a death glare, before sighing.

"We both know who Roman Torchwick is, thanks for educating Sun though." She gives a slight, playful nudge at Sun before he scoffs in annoyance. "Vacuo wasn't exactly the most technologically advanced place. Outside of the main cities, your towns were these small structures that you were lucky to find having really any advanced technology. You packed the essentials, and moved nomadically."

"Yeah but weren't you a student in one of the major cities?" I retort, teasing Sun and shooting him a playful smirk. "If you spent your time on video games and training it's okay to admit it."

Sun looks to Blake for a witty comeback, before throwing his arms up in defeat and looking back at me.

"So, what's the plan?" "We split up in two groups, we're more likely to get work done by the late hours if we work in two groups."

I nod off to the two and sigh, I was actually starting to enjoy the company for a bit. Almost felt like a student bickering about for once.

"I'll go alone, Blake's better with children than I am." "Hey!" Sun yells at me, shoving me before continuing to listen. "I'll go to the warehouse, it's more likely to be heavily guarded, and even if not, it's much easier to move around quietly and alone."

Blake seems a tad worried about me, yet she sighs and looks at me again. Before speaking up, she gives me a look that says "If you don't come back alive, I'll be really pissed off at you." She shows a lot of emotion, she just doesn't speak it.

"Remember, this mission is all about recon, not about causing a scene. Learn what information we can, bring the information to Ozpin and Goodwitch, he can send huntsmen to ambush and we will be perfectly okay." I look at them reassuringly as I say that, though the reassurance was more for myself.

After giving a slight smile, I look at the two and give a knowing smirk before just looking away and walking off. I'm probably putting myself in more danger than I need to, but I'd rather not get caught because of a hyperactive guy running around crazy, it's better to just be alone and know my own escape routes.

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