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     As a forewarning, this is essentially the exact same as the in-game introduction sequence. There are a handful of altered interactions to better include the reader and Gin, but not many, so sorry if it's boring!


     There's a wide variety of people here: students, two tall, buff looking men, that scrawny guy, a girl with cute grunge makeup, a man in an apron, a girl in a different colored apron with wild pink hair, an older guy, plus you and Gin.

They seem to be a rowdy group, probably due to the situation you all seem to be stuck in.

Gin stands close to you, holding his favorite plush tight.

Once again, the blonde man leads the discussion. "All right everybody, listen up. I bet we're all thinking the same thing. What is this place? Why was I brought here? And about all you know is who you are."

"What are you getting at, I wonder...?" The man with gray hair chimes in, speaking in an odd, drawn out manner.

"Let's start with those introductions I mentioned briefly before. Should ease suspicion a little, at least." The man in the brown vest smiles.

"Introductions, you say...?" Another man with long black hair ponders, bringing a hand to his chin.

The guy guiding the discussion shrugs before speaking. "Not a whole not else we can do. Am I right, Sara?"

You follow the man's gaze, and end up looking right at a girl with long ginger hair pulled back in a ponytail. She seems shocked by the suggestion, yet you can't help but wonder if they already knew each other.

"Huh...? You're asking me...?" She questions, pointing at herself.

"...See, the calm ones know what to say." He grins at the girl, which is met with a raised brow from the schoolgirl.

An odd reply to her question, but that's neither here nor there.

"Right then. Time to give introductions?" He offers, to which no one responds. He clears his throat before resuming his speech. "So then, I think we should all get to know each other a li'l more."

"Myeow so? Mom tells me not to give personal info to strange guys I don't know, woof!" Gin protests. You stifle a laugh and place a reassuring hand on his back.

"It's alright, they can't do anything with our information here. Just don't share too much." You smile warmly at the boy, to which he returns a grin.

"Stupendous! A level-headed child who does as his parents teach him!" The graying man exclaims, to which you shoot him a protective glare. "Yet, this is indeed an emergency... Hmm. Then we adults must prove we are not suspicious characters..." He concludes, following his sentence with a discomforting laugh.

"Waugh... Super suspicious, woof." Gin remarks and looks away from the man.

"Nothing for it. Well, where should we start." The man with kitchen utensils adds softly.

"Hey, you can keep it simple. Name and occupation... Just take turns sayin' em." The tall blonde grins, glancing across the sea of unfamiliar faces. "That's the ticket."

Everyone remains silent, and the boy with yellow accessories looks especially apprehensive.

"Mm, got it. The wary ones can be for later. Raise your hand if you don't mind blabbin'."

Immediately, the off-putting guy speaks up. "Hello, I am Kazumi Mishima. I teach at a certain high school." Mishima states, following his introduction with yet another odd laugh.

hand in unlovable hand | shin tsukimi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now