sue miley

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     As you reunite with Sou, Sara approaches Keiji. They speak in hushed voices, presumably about you. Even though the cop doesn't spare you a glance, Sara can't help but look over her shoulder a few times.

"Would you like to go see what's through that red door we saw?" Sou questions, blue eyes staring into your own (E/C) ones.

"Yeah, we probably should." You respond with a sigh.

Following your comment, you and Sou head toward the exit. The room behind you is quiet, which harshly contrasts the noisy chatter from your initial entry.

It seems like that "sick sense of security" has really gotten you, as you immediately find yourself in danger.

As soon as your partner steps out of the room, a soft metallic clink can be heard.

In an instant, you shift your gaze upright, frozen in fear from the sight above you. Metal bars fixed with pointed ends; rapidly growing closer to you.

Sou reacts fast, harshly grabbing your arm and yanking you out of the doorway. His rigid grasp irritated the wound you had sustained during your first trial, causing a small amount of blood to seep onto his palm.

You stumble from the unexpected force into his chest.

Your breathing is uneven and your heart is pounding in your chest; feeling as though it would burst, shattering your ribs in the process.

A dull pain shoots up your arm, making you subconsciously move your free hand to the spot of the injury. With Sou's hand in the way, you end up gingerly resting your hand atop his own.

"(Y/N)?! Are you okay?!" Your companion questions frantically, shifting his grasp from your wrist to your shoulders.

You slowly move yourself off of him and stare blankly at his clothed torso.

"What the fuck?! Oh my god?!"

"Thank you..." You respond quietly, readjusting your open palm to cover part of your bloody wrist.

"(Y/N)?!" Sara calls in a tone similar to Sou's.

You spin around to face her, who was gripping the metal bars anxiously. The sight of the barrier alone was enough to make you shudder.

"Ah... I'm okay..." You claim with a slow, forced laugh.

"(Y/N)? Are you sure?" Joe asks, running up beside his friend.

You nod silently; and from behind, Sou places a hand on your shoulder. You turn your head to the side, giving him as much attention as your mind would allow.

"Let's look for something to pry the bars open with." He suggests.

Again, you nod as you turn around fully to face him. He looks at you in scrutiny, but not out of distrust as he typically does.

"C'mon." He instructs softly.

He turns and begins to walk away from the bars, but not without checking to see if you're following; and you are.


After a while of Sou checking odd areas and you following him in a daze, he sighs in annoyance. The two of you have checked every space available to you, including the cafeteria and unsightly pink room with a limbless, decapitated doll torso.

The two of you stand in the dark hallway that leads to the pink room with Sou angrily tugging the loose ends of his scarf.

You watch him quietly, which he surprisingly doesn't seem to mind.

hand in unlovable hand | shin tsukimi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now