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"Now, these monitors are what you'll primarily be working with. The smaller one is to input observation notes, and the other is to keep tabs on the individuals! It's simple, truly; all of the other important data you'll need to track is labeled on these." He taps one of the thick stacks of paper on the angled desk. "Do you have any questions for me?"

Your eyes wander around the spacious work area. Two sizable monitors, an impressively clean keyboard and mouse, seventeen data sheet piles, and what looks like the world's most comfortable office chair. You must've gotten really lucky to be working here.

"Uhm... How do I keep track of the AI?" You question, stepping closer to the monitors for a better view. There are ten people there, unmoving.

"Of course! My mistake, we don't get interns or new hires here often." The man steps up to the monitors beside you and hunches over the desk, grabbing the computer mouse.

"So right now we're on the main hall's camera and we want to check the other rooms, right? Just click the right mouse button and it'll bring up..." He trails off, pressing the mouse as foretold, "this! Now you can check any monitor. To select one, just move the mouse and this time you'll click the left mouse button to pull it up! Right click to close, left click to open!" He concludes his tutorial cheerily.

"That seems easy." You smile.

He returns a grin and steps to the side, swinging out an arm to gesture for you to take his place by the computer. You oblige and take the mouse into your hand, practicing bringing up and closing out of different camera views.

"Would you like me to explain what you're tracking as well?" He grabs a few of the papers from the nearest stack.

You let go of the mouse and nod, turning to look at him. He hands you one of the sheets he had picked up and clears his throat.

"You see the blank line here? You can ignore that for now. Right now, what I want from you, (Y/N), is to keep track of the other three variables, as well as keeping note of anything that stands out to you." He flips his copy of the data sheet to face you and points to his next topic of interest. "Of course, we've given the AI names and descriptions to make your job easier!"

You bring your copy of the paper closer to your face and scan through the text. The number of paper stacks doesn't match the number of people on the monitor, but underneath the individual's name in very small text is a short description of who the name belongs to.

The three pieces of data he wants you to work with are all in bold with a few blank lines to write on.




"How many AI am I keeping track of?"

"Sixteen ordinarily, but occasionally an unnamed AI will be added. There's a stack with unnamed data sheets for that instance." The man says happily and sets the paper he was holding back where it was.

You nod and set your copy down as well. The amount of rooms you were meant to keep track of was a bit overwhelming, and you found yourself hoping the bots would stick together for the most part.

"Right... I'll leave you to get adjusted, (Y/N)." He says and gently pats your shoulder before pressing the ctrl key to unpause the screen.

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