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     The red walls of the bar remain poorly illuminated by the wall-mounted lights. Bottles of alcohol still scatter the shelves, yet none look like they had been touched. Against the wall, Kanna and Sou are right where they were left.

"God I'm sick of this place." You complain internally, giving the less than preferred decor a displeased look.

As he notices you, Sou takes a moment before speaking. "Ah, hi (Y/N)."

You turn your attention to the pair, waving at the elder of the two. Kanna makes no attempt to speak with you.

"Can you come here a moment? I want to talk to you about something." The blue eyed boy requests, patting the ground next to him.

"Yeah, sure." You shrug, taking a seat next to him.

Sou anxiously looks between you and the floor, as if debating whether or not to continue this discussion. He brings a hand to his scarf, adjusting it to cover his neck a bit more.

"I wonder how he deals with that thing." You tilt your head at him subconsciously, pondering if you'd ever want to wear a scarf. It looks somehow familiar.

"(Y/N)? Uhm... Do you remember who attacked you? Back in the hidden room..." He asks in a hushed tone. With Kanna right beside him, you assume he trusts her. As do you, there's no way such a small girl could hurt you like that; especially with the state she's in.

"Not exactly..." You respond, omitting the possibly falsified memory of warm toned hair running from the hidden room.

"Oh, I see." He pauses, glancing somewhere beyond you. "I may have an idea."

"And what would that be?" You press.

"Well for now, since you can't remember, I think it's best I leave the big details out."

"What?! Why?!" You whine, louder than you wanted.

"No need to cause drama, right?" Sou grins.

You return his smile with a blank stare, trying to express your annoyance.

"If that Main Game thing really happens... I'll help you."

"Help me?"

"Yes. You'll have to trust me... But if you can't, that's okay. I understand." He responds meekly with a fading smile.

"Trust, huh..."


"(Y/N), we'd like to offer you a full time position here!" The man smiles with closed eyes.

"Oh!" You pause. "... While I'd love a more permanent spot, I won't have time with school and everything."

"Don't worry about that! With us, you'll be working in your chosen field! And the best part? We're willing to cover your school fees!" He cheers, resting his hip against your desk.

"Uhm... I don't know..." You frown.

"It'll be fine! We have everything covered, trust me."




"I'll think about it."


"You must be a pretty trusting person, Sou." You giggle, even if you were a bit concerned for him having this trait.

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