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Time has passed, and the group has since dispersed following Kanna's outburst. You've been sitting on the facility's floor by Gin's side, trying to gauge how he's feeling.

     "Are you alright, Gin?" You question with a tilt of your head.

     "Of course, meow!" He responds defensively, throwing his gloved hands up.

     "Oh really? Well, if you're not worried about anything that's good."

     "Well, I feel bad for bucket girl, woof..." He says sadly, putting his paws back down.

     You place your hand on his hooded head and mess up his hair through the fabric; which he hastily reacts to, shaking his head to put the loose strands of hair back in their rightful place.

      "I'm sure she'll be okay..." You say in an attempt to comfort him.

     Silence returns between the two of you. You're unsure of what to say to him - or anyone else for that matter.

     You're just a person with no innate ability to command or soothe others, unlike Keiji and Sara. All you can do is watch along with the rest. You sigh, pulling your knees up to your chest. Gin mimics your action, making you smile just a bit. 

     The air is still, frigid. The hushed words of strangers echo through the vast room.

     As you sit silently next t the boy you've grown attached to, the weight of the situation finally starts to chip at your mind; albeit very little.

     Everyone here were strangers, all taken from their daily lives. No one had a single thing in common, aside from the lingering questions of how they got here and how the hell to get out.

     Was there any hope? Any chance of returning to the life you all knew? It was beyond you. Maybe you were destined to stay within this facility until you draw your final breath. Only time will tell.

     While you mull over your thoughts, approaching footsteps pull you from your distracted trance. You lift your head, allowing your sight to zero in on Sou walking over with a soft smile.

     "Sou?" You question, standing to face him.

     "Yeah, you looked confused earlier. What was it?"

     "Oh, right. Did Keiji already know Joe and Sara?"

     He smiles, and just barely raises a brow at your confusion. "No... they had already said their names before you woke up."

     "Ah... okay..." You fidget with your hands and shift your eyes around his figure, not stopping at any one spot for too long.

     He watches you fidget for a moment and hums before turning to return to the side of the room he had been on. As he retreats, you can overhear Reko, Sara, and Nao discussing the state Kanna was currently in. Soon enough, Keiji reclaims his role in guiding everyone.

     "Hey now, everybody, don't lose your cool. You've got your friendly policeman here."

     "Hey, Keiji! You're the reliable one here! What should we do?!" Joe exclaims, taking a step closer to the blonde.

     Keiji pauses for a moment, smiling at the teen. "...You've sure changed your tune. Well, first things first. Why don't we confirm what each of us has found in this place?"

     Joe nods eagerly, and Kai and Q-Taro quickly approve of this decision.

     "'Zat's just what I was thinkin' of saying! See, I picked up this thing." The baseball player takes a short trip to what you could only assume was the room he had woken up in. With a small grunt, he bends down and grabs an object before returning to the group.

hand in unlovable hand | shin tsukimi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now