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     Everyone seems happy, or more so motivated. The once heavy atmosphere had cleared, and it seemed everyone had a course of action planned. The search for Nao didn't feel as dire as it once did, though the importance hadn't faded.

As per usual, Keiji is quick to take charge. "Now then, should we go search for Nao together?"

Reko quickly perks up, throwing up a hand sign in excitement. "Y... Yeah, that's it! Let's split up and search!!"

"S-Sorry... I'm not feeling great." Sou announces sheepishly. "Is it okay if I rest?"

"Who are we to stop you?" You respond with a smile.

"Aw hell... Gin, Kanna, you guys rest here too." The short haired musician suggests.

"...O-Okay..." The young girl whispers, hesitantly walking toward Sou.

"Guess we'll hold down the fort here, Gin...?" The teal haired boy asks sweetly, smiling.

"I..." Gin gives Sou a distrusting look. "I don't wanna, meow!"

Almost immediately, Gin shoves Sou away, causing the taller of the two to stumble backwards. Sou plants a foot slightly behind the other to stabilize himself and covers his mouth with his scarf, as if it would counteract his fall.

"'Sitter (Y/N), I want you to take me, woof!" Gin exclaims, pressing the top of his head against your midriff.

"Of course you can come with me! You're better at this kinda stuff than I am anyway. But be nice... Sou doesn't wanna hurt you." You smile, ruffling the boy's hair.

"...Thanks... meow."

"Alright. Let's go, Sara" Keiji guides, rendering the two of them the first to leave the bar.

You look around the room, and it seems like everyone will be in the same pairings for the most part. Sou and Kanna are sitting quietly on the floor, leaning against the wall. Sou is trying to talk to the timid girl, but she's barely, if at all, responding. Reko is talking to Q-Taro and Kai; and Joe is looking between groups.

"Do you want to bring Joe, too?" I ask Gin quietly, holding his shoulders back to draw his attention upward.

The corners of animal-clad boy's eyes crease, indicating a smile, and he nods excitedly.

"Okay, c'mon." You smile as well, giving him a gentle push in the teen boy's direction.

Joe must be perceptive, as his attention almost instantly turns to the two of you. "Hey, guys! Didya want something?"

"Come with us, woof!" Gin exclaims.

"Come with you?" Joe echoes, seeming a bit more confused than before.

"Yeah, let's look for Nao together." You clarify, wearing that same smile.

"Oh!" The boy blushes in embarrassment. "That's what you meant... duh..."

"Soooo...?" You draw out the final vowel in a sing-song tone with a slight tilt of the head. Gin mimics your head tilt, though his expression reads a bit annoyed.

"Alright! We'll find her for sure!"


The first stop in your journey was the cafeteria, though nothing of note was there. You can't see anything through the kitchen window, and the door to said room is locked still. Joe tried forcing the door open, but obviously that didn't work.

Slightly annoyed at the inconvenience, you lead the younger two deeper through the cafeteria and into the pink room. Again, nothing of note; though Gonbee was there for a brief moment.

hand in unlovable hand | shin tsukimi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now