green beanie

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     You truly hated the way you acted with unwanted attention on you. It was especially uncomfortable given the current circumstances. You hadn't originally given it much thought, but you hadn't mentioned the card Sou saw you drop until now.

"I'm, uhm... not dead... So I guess it was a dummy rule..." You laugh anxiously, fidgeting with your hands.

"(Y/N), where did you find your card? And did you always have the Commoner card?" Keiji asks, to which you assume he has a plan following the answer to this question.

"It was under the desk in the hidden room, it's the only card I found." You answer quickly.

It wasn't entirely a lie. You never "found" the Sacrifice, it was given to you.

"Gotcha. Here's what I think: Sou and (Y/N) went to the hidden room together, right? Chances are, he would've noticed the card since he was the primary person to work on the laptop. Given that he didn't take it, he already had a card - the Sacrifice. When he and Kanna were resting he placed the Sacrifice card somewhere Kanna would find it... And when Kanna picked it up... Sou offered to trade it for a Commoner card... As if to put her in his debt."

"That can't be...!!" Kanna promptly denies, less out of certainty and more so out of her own hopes regarding Sou and his motives.

"Sure enough, the damn beanie guy was just completely using Kanna!!" The singer growls, crossing her arms.

"That's not the only thing... The Sacrifice card ultimately ended up with Joe." Sara adds solemnly.

"Meaning... maybe he purposefully had Joe pick it up." Keiji concludes.

"I don't think anyone woul-"

"God dammit!! I'm gonna take that guy out!! C'mon! We'll all search together!" Reko yells over you.

"Um... Sorry, I... Please let me speak with the professor a little more..." Nao meekly calls from the monitor she remains beside.

"Huh...? R-Right..." The short haired woman replies, instantly easing her hostile tone.

Surprisingly, Reko is the one to lead the charge. Everyone follows soon thereafter, trying to keep pace with her rapid footsteps.

"Are you worried about the attractions or anything, Gin?" You whisper to the boy walking alongside you.

"Nope, meow! Why would I be, woof?"

"Hmm... I dunno. This place is weird, so I'm worried about what the attractions will be like." You reply gently, making eye contact with him.

"Don't be, woof! I'll protect you!"

"Oh, you're right. I didn't even think about the whole 'going in pairs' thing!" You smile.

That wasn't true, but little white lies weren't all that bad.

Reko leads the group around the corner, to the corridor right beside the opening leading to the monitor room. This area looked like a mess. Large rocks crumbled off of the walls, odd lighting, and Sou's iconic green beanie on the ground.

"That's what he left for...?" You groan internally, wondering what exactly his thought process was.

Reko stops and points, turning to those behind her in frustration.

"He's gotta be lurking around here!"

"H... Hey look! Down the passage to the right, an' in the back..." Q-Taro announces, drawing attention to various openings shroud by rubble and debris.

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