first attraction

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Choosing to wallow in self pity instead of continuing your search, you never found Gin. Despite protests from your detective partner you stayed stubborn in your choice.

Now, you're seated in the empty "Relaxation Room". Alice had left some time ago, and those who entered left promptly after doing some attraction. You had yet to do any. This issue with Gin was occupying too much headspace.

Your eyes remain glued to the artificial world beyond the glass pane with an empty mind for the first time in many long hours.

You draw in a breath, holding it for a moment, as the sound of two pairs of footsteps fills your ears. One set is light and quick, the other being steady in an almost calculated way. You exhale, not bothering to turn your head.

"(Y/N)." A voice, most likely matching the well paced footsteps calls.

"Yeah?" You reply, still refusing eye contact.

"Someone's here for you." Their tone shifts, probably indicating a smile.

Silently, your previously empty mind is riddled with varying thoughts and questions again.

"Do I care who it is?", "This is Keiji talking, who would he bring to me other than Gin?", "Am I really ready to talk to him?".

You allow yourself another quick breath before standing from your seat, turning around to face the doorway. Immediately, you lock eyes with the small figure beside the cop.

Both of your assumptions had been correct, no surprise there. Keiji had found Gin and brought him to you despite the fact that you'd abandoned your own search.

"Gin, Iâ€""

Your soft voice is cut off as the boy abruptly rushes into you, nearly knocking the air from your lungs. Your arms tightly engulf him, holding him well enough to stop him from leaving. He probably wouldn't, but it felt like he'd slip from your grasp just as he had countless times so far.

"I'm sorry, Gin. I think I understand why you felt so hurt." You whisper, pressing your lips to the top of the boy's orange hood.

"'Sitter (Y/N)! I hate that loner, woof! But I love you, meow!" He chirps, squeezing you as he speaks.

He quickly loosens his grip, and you do so as well - taking this as an indication that he's had enough contact.

"Mr. Policeman told me you two are friends, woof… And I don't have to like everyone you're friends with, meow."

"Ah, well he makes a good point." You weakly giggle, glancing up at Keiji.

The blonde holds a gentle, almost nostalgic grin as he watches Gin and your reunion.

The words, "Thanks, Keiji," leave your lips gentle and hushed. The man on the receiving end of your gratitude simply waves it off, apparently thinking nothing of taking time out of his own day to help out some stranger.

Some odd force had really drawn you to Sou; and even now, despite all he's done, you find yourself wanting to stick with him.

It's nice to have a few more people on your side, though.


"…No way, which one did you do?" You angle your head toward the boy, feigning disbelief.

"I think big sis Sara said it was called 'Memory Dance', meow!" Gin replies happily, tossing Mew-Chan in the air slightly before catching him.

"You seem awfully cheerful about that." You chuckle nervously; one part teasing, and another part genuinely a bit worried.

"Don't worry, I have a great memory, woof!"

"Well, I don't. Let's find something more straightforward for my first attraction."

The hooded boy shrugs, giving you the impression that he doesn't really care which attraction you go to.

You copy his actions as you cross into the next space - the Monitor Room.

Your eyes are immediately drawn to the infamous Sou Hiyori, who's already looking right back at you. He looks calm, almost sweet as he stands beside Kanna.

His hand hovers protectively over her back, and his other rests on his scarf.

"(Y/N), hey… I take it you found Gin?" He states the glaringly obvious, gesturing his head toward the elementary schooler.

"Keiji brought him to me actually." You grin weakly, a bit nervous to tell Sou that you had been interacting with Keiji.

"Keiji?" He echoes, his calm expression turning the faintest bit sour.

"Hi, (Y/N)…" Kanna promptly cuts in, waving sheepishly.

"Hey Kanna. How's watching Sou?" You smile more authentically, hoping the small girl will be more receptive to talking with you.

"Sou is good… Kanna isn't having a hard time." She smiles, clasping her hands together.

"I'm glad. Let me know if you want a break from him at some point! Gin and I are gonna go do one of the attractions around here." You offer, grinning from your little jab at Sou.

"Thank you." She replies, sounding slightly unsure in her word choice.

Gin waves his gloved hands at Kanna before turning and running off to the far end of the room. You sigh, following after him.

"Look at this one, meow! It says 'Runaway Minecart', woof!" He points at the little plaque mounted on the wall next to a walkway through the wall.

You squint, leaning a bit closer to the item he's pointing to. The word "Normal" is etched into the plate below the name of the attraction, as well as two little stars.

"Alright," You nod in approval of this as your first attraction, "this shouldn't be hard at all. I imagine we just have to hold onto the cart so we don't fall off or something."

Gin looks at you with no particular emotion, and so the two of you make your way to your first attraction.


Sorry for such a short update T.T !! I wanted to get something out but I didn't like anything I had past the end of this chapter :(
Side note!! I'm feeling up to writing again so updates shouldn't be as sparse! And!!! I'm starting a second Shin x reader :P so if that interests you I should have it up by Monday!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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