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     A young girl steps foot in the room, freezing as her eyes land on the scene ahead of her. A body laid on the ground. Her breath hitches in her throat as she stares in a mix of confusion and concern.

"... Huh...?" She squeaks, unblinking, "(Y/N)...?"

Sou, breaking out of his daze, quickly addresses her.

"They're fine, Kanna."

"Sou...!" The green haired girl yelps, jumping slightly at the sound of his voice.

He raises a brow at her, refraining from offering Kanna an apology.

"Kanna... Uhm... She- I told the others I'd take care of you..." She meekly explains, fidgeting with her hands once she changes her vocabulary.

"Alright." Sou shrugs, standing from his chair and moving closer to the other two in the room. He climbs on the edge of his bed, shifting his weight to sit cross-legged on the foot of the mattress.

Kanna frowns and closes the door gently behind her. She reluctantly shuffles to the wall directly beside the door, leaning back against it.

"What happened...? (Y/N)'s okay...?"

"Yeah. We talked a bit, but the conversation died down and they fell asleep I guess." He explains calmly, omitting the reason you had fallen asleep in the first place.

He didn't want to put you on blast for having a hard time, even if the way you acted was more than understandable for the situation.

"Oh... Okay..." Kanna replies, her clear distrust splayed over her features.

Sou pinches the bridge of his nose, mentally rolling his eyes at the exchange. Kanna doesn't necessarily bother him, but having to explain the unconscious person in his room does.

Kanna looks around the room uncomfortably, unsure of what else she could talk about with him.

"You can sit down, y'know." The teal haired man states, looking down at you rather than the person he was addressing.

Kanna blushes, embarrassed that she had been idly standing around his room. She quickly relocates herself to the bigger chair in the corner of his room, balling her hands into fists and pressing them into her thighs.

The two - or three - of them lounge silently in the small space. Sou feels no need to make conversation, unlike Kanna. She doesn't try to speak with him for the time being, though. Instead, she stares at various objects in his room; pondering useless things about each item. Eventually, the boy moves to sit on the floor about a foot away from you. 

"Will they wake up soon?" Kanna asks with a tilt of her head.

"I don't know. You can wake (Y/N) up."

"O-Oh... Uhm..." She stutters, jumping to her feet.

Sou very subtly smiles, amused by her reaction.

After a short bout of deliberation, he comes to decide waking you up is better than letting you sleep for an unknown amount of time. It had been long enough already in his opinion. Shifting to sit on his knees, he scoots a bit closer to you and sets a hand on your shoulder. Reluctantly, he rocks your body toward and away from him.

He lets go, observing you curiously. No reaction from you; at all.

Sou sighs, repeating the action. Kanna sheepishly creeps up behind him, looking at you from over the blue eyed man's shoulder.

"...Maybe try blowing on their face... Sister used to do that with Kanna." The girl suggests, sounding rather nostalgic.

He furrows his brows, empathetic, yet uncomfortable with her sudden mention of her late sister. "Sure..."

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