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Le update - Enjoy Xx
Alex's PoV

Luke left for Alpha Hargreaves' Pack a few hours ago and I'm waiting for him to mind link me to inform me of his arrival. He should be there no later than 4 o'clock this afternoon. If I don't hear from him by then I'll contact their Alpha before signalling a search party.

I can't be dealing with losing another ranked wolf, especially at a time like this. I don't have the time necessary to appoint a new Gamma so I'd be yet another man down.

Not having a Delta to aid in plans is hard enough. Harry has always had a unique way of looking at things. I can only assume it's as a result of his upbringing with his father, a former Alpha who relinquished his title when my father came to power.

Our fathers were good friends and worked together frequently. When it came to them merging their Packs in order to attain numbers for what became their crusade for power, Harry's father refused to fight for the title so handed it over to my father willingly.

He passed away shortly after my father was killed. I can't say I was close to the man, but he raised two of my closest friends so I had enough respect for him to give him a funeral in the Alpha Gardens - an area of land within the Pack lands where all previous Alpha males and Alpha females have been buried.

Thankfully my father isn't amongst them, though hopefully my mother will join any day now.

Just arrived at Alpha Hargreaves Pack House. Will keep you updated, Alpha Black.

Luke mind links me and a relived sigh leaves my body. I've never sent him to a foreign pack alone before and I have hope this whole thing plays out well for him. I know how stubborn Alphas can be.

I give Luke my thanks before getting up to go and visit Mia to take her to the park. It seems to have become a daily activity of ours, suggested by Donna. Though I'm busy, I'm not entirely opposed to it.

I don't know why she was so adamant about it given she didn't want me anywhere near Mia before, but I don't question it. I promised Blue to keep an eye on her and I don't hate being around her.

The walk to Donna's isn't very long and when I emerge from between the trees by her house I spot Mia already jumping up and down at the end of the garden by the fence.

"Alexander! Bye mum! Be back later!" She shouts over her shoulder before launching herself out the gate and sprinting over to me.

I crouch down to meet her, her small body crashing into mine as she throws her arms around my neck for a tight hug. I give her a squeeze, holding her close to me before letting go to lead the way to the park.

"How have you been?" I ask, listening to her animatedly talk about her last few days the entire way. She's bouncing up and down with a broad smile the whole time, telling her stories with so much detail and chatter.

She reminds me of my Blue in that regard.

"...and then, and then we got to do that Tarzan assault course and oh my god! It was SO much fun because I was so good at it. I got the second fastest time but I think it's because Kian cheated. He always cuts corners on the run at the end," she continues to speak and I can't help but chuckle. Maybe I should come watch her when she next does it, it might be nice to see.

My wolf seems to agree, seeming to perceive Mia as his own pup from time to time. I'm sure if he ever met her wolf he'd try to fucking groom her.

For now though, he's sat back, finally relaxed instead of pacing back and forth, as he listens intently to what she says, hanging off of every word. He likes this Pup.

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