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I did not yet proof read so if there's mistakes, just ignore them.
Le update - Enjoy Xx
Alex's PoV

I don't think I've ever seen Louis run so fast in my life.

His eyes glossed with a mind link in the car and next thing I know he was flat footing the accelerator until we hit Pack grounds where he then launched himself out the door without even bothering with the hand break or turning off the engine.

I followed him, sensing his wolf's urgency, and managed to connect the dots when he was hurling himself through the front doors of the hospital.


I take the lift up to the top floor while Louis races up the stairs, clearly unable to keep himself still for even a second, let alone the whole trip up in the lift. When the lift dings and the heavy metal doors open, I'm suddenly overwhelmed by her scent...Blue's scent. It skipped my mind that she's on this floor.

My wolf mewls in my mind, calling out for her, but I ignore his cries. We're here for Harry.

I head along the corridor and come to a stop outside of Harry's hospital room, opting to leave the two of them to their moment. Through the glass I can see three people, Natalie is stood to the side with her hands over her mouth - an obvious smile on her face.

On the bed is Harry, though I can barely see him behind Louis whom seems to be holding him so tightly to his body they've essentially merged into one person.

There's so much joy in that room that I can feel their happiness through our Pack bond, their emotions so undeniable and unyielding they can't seem to contain themselves. It's like the entire corridor is being consumed by their happiness.

I don't realise I'm frowning until I catch my reflection in the glass.

I'm not upset.

I'm happy.

I'm so happy that Harry is okay. He's one of my closest friends and I'm more than thrilled that he's alive and well. I wouldn't want anything else for him...

I just...I'm not smiling...

And I don't for sure know why...am I jealous? No, I can't be. I'm happy for them. I'm really happy to see my Delta up and running again, it's great news. He'll be out of hospital soon and back to training and his duties shortly after. I'm happy.

I sit outside on one of the chairs, waiting for the family to have their moment before I too can go and see Harry again. It's about half an hour later that I hear the door open and peek my head up to see Natalie making a swift exit, the smile on her face somehow broader than it was previously.

"Alpha!" She jumps in surprise when she sees me, her hand over her chest with her back against the door.

"Natalie," I nod in greeting.

"I didn't know you were her— you can go in and see him if you want," she points over her shoulder with her thumb. I nod, deciding to give the couple a few minutes alone before I appear.

"I'll give them a minute," I reply, leaning back further into the chair. Blue's scent surrounds me where I'm day in the corridor. It's a lot more prominent here than it is in our old room and it has my whole body feeling light and my wolf sated.

"You can go and see her too, if you want to," Natalie's voice makes my eyes snap to hers. She seems to recognise the expression on my face. She must see it on lots of mates when then come to visit their loved ones.

"Come and see me Wolfie," Blue whispers, "I'm just down the corridor..."

I mull over Natalie's words, knowing I haven't been to visit Blue in weeks, if not months. I want to, everything in me wants nothing more than to sit there and hold her hand until I'm forced away. But I can't.

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