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Le (shorter than usual) update - Enjoy Xx
Louis' POV

"Luke! Watch out!" I shout, shoving him aside and taking the blow from the charging wolf.

I'm slammed backwards, my body colliding with the ground as our two bodies go tumbling into the undergrowth.

My claws elongate as I slash at the creature's throat, tearing it out before moving on to the next. And the next. And the next.

"Fuck these bloody Ferals," Luke curses as the last creature drops to the floor in a bloody mess, returning to their marred human form.

"I couldn't agree more," I mutter, stepping over the nearest body and making my way towards the guards, "Make sure to burn them within the hour."

"Yes Beta," she nods before departing to follow my orders, Luke and I making our way back towards the training grounds.

"Any plans the rest of the day?" Luke asks as we wonder through.

"Not really," I shrug, "probably have sex but that's about it."

"Ugh," he groans, "I wish."

"I am sorry you haven't found your mate," I offer him a sympathetic smile. I truly am. "Have you considered a bond—"

His growl cuts me off, his wolf evidently against that idea, "No."

"Okay," I pacify, not wanting to rub him the wrong way by accident, "I'll try and get you travelling more if you want. See if you can find your mate."

"I dunno," he frowns, "I sometimes feel like they might have—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," I interrupt his morbid musings. They aren't dead, nor are they mated with another and I hate that this is where his mind has run off to. His mate is still alive and waiting for him, I just know it. "Why are you being so negative? Your mate is out there, I'm sure of it."

"I'm nearly twenty four, if I haven't found them by now, I should have at least met a bond mate and I haven't even done that. It's not fair anymore," he frowns. I can't imagine, especially since all of his friends have found their mates and started having pups while he's still a virgin. He must feel so left out, seeing everyone around him having a mate to turn to and spend all their free time building bonds with, while all he can do is sit by and watch. 

At this point, I think I'm more excited for him to find him mate than he is.

"I don't know what to suggest," I admit, not having a clue what advice he's looking for, "Dom's good at this stuff. Maybe ask him?"

"Dom would gut me if I disturbed him right now," Luke counters, reminding me that Summer only just gave birth to their son, Arthur, the other day.

Something tells me Summer chose the name considering Dom has made it very clear he's hated it since the day he learnt of the whole 'knights of the round table' story. He thought Arthur was stupid for using a round table for that many people and criticised his ability as a leader on numerous occasions.

I guess Violet and Arthur are cute names together though. 

Not my pups, but my business.

Arriving back at the training grounds, Luke and I part ways to go and run our respective groups. I have the kids today since I got moved off of Mia and Avery's group the other week. Xan decided he would take over their training.

Instead, I've been moved to Lexi's group, where we are currently learning basic combat manoeuvres. It's not particularly challenging to do and they seem to be picking it up pretty quickly - especially Lexi. She takes after her brother for sure.

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