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Okay, the plot will now get interesting.

Alex's PoV

"This is the third body this week," Luke tells me as I assess the mangled corpse. The skin, from the parts that are still intact, appears to be covered in scarring.

"Do you know who killed them?" I ask as I stand back to my feet, scanning the clearing around us. We're just inside our western border, about three kilometres from the Gap.

"Not yet. Patrol told me as soon as they found it, and that's when I alerted you," he explains, walking through the clearing with me.

I wonder what spooked the Feral to make it come running so far into Pack territory. Though they are wild creatures running off of pure instinct, they still avoid coming so far into Pack territory. There are attacks, but they usually occur along the borders since patrols usually pick them up before they can reach any other members of the Pack.

"Canvas the area, try to find a scent," I instruct, though I'm sure he already knows this. He's been a Gamma long enough to know this, "Let me know as soon as you do. I'll reach out to some Alphas, see if they have any idea on what's going-"

"Alpha! You might want to come see this!"

Luke and I share a look, before he's instructing one of our Guards to watch the body while we go to investigate what's happened. Passing through a small glade, we come to a collection of boulders behind which...

"Oh...my...Goddess..." Luke gapes from beside me as we behold the massacre.

Before us lies a scene of utter devastation. The ground is littered with torn and shredded clothing, blood staining the earth in dark, ominous pools. Pieces of flesh and bone are scattered among the debris, evidence of the ferocity of the attack.

I feel a surge of anger and disgust rise within me as I take in the gruesome sight. Whatever beast did this showed no mercy, no restraint. It tore through its victims with savage brutality, leaving behind nothing but carnage in its wake.

Normally, I would peg this kind of brutality up to a Feral attack, but there's too much evidence of deliberate targeting here. Ferals attack out of instinct, driven by hunger or threat, but they don't leave behind scenes like this. This was deliberate, calculated.

"Alpha, what could have done this?" Luke's voice breaks through my thoughts, his tone filled with a mix of horror and confusion.

"I don't know," I admit, my gaze sweeping over the scene once more. "But whatever it is, it's unlike anything we've encountered before."

We need to act fast. If there's a creature out there capable of this level of violence, it poses a serious threat to our Pack and the surrounding area. We can't afford to underestimate it.

"We need to find out what did this," I say through gritted teeth, my fists clenched at my sides. "We can't let it happen again."

Luke nods grimly beside me, his expression mirroring my own determination. "I'll organise a thorough search of the area, Alpha."

"Good. We'll reconvene this afternoon in my office," I decide, refusing to be relaxed when it comes to this situation. What if next time its our Pack members that are attacked? We need to protect our own as well as as many Rogues as we can.

I say a few more words to the nearby guards and trackers, instructing them to also keep this on the down-low so as to avoid Pack wide panic. There is no point stressing anyone out or causing any upset if there is nothing to worry about.

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