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This is such a soft chapter istg.
Over 8k words baybee!
(Definitely not procrastinating my work...not at all...)
Le update - Enjoy Xx

Blue's PoV

My legs ache as I scrub at the dishes in the sink, not wanting to leave them until tomorrow like Alex insisted. He isn't home from training yet and mind linked me to let me know that he wouldn't be for at least another hour.

I don't mind. I never really do. He can do whatever he wants, I just want to know what he was up to so that I don't worry. Even if he does only give me minimal details.

I had just turned to grab a plate when my legs gave way beneath me and I tumbled to the floor, the plate shattering and spilling the bits of food everywhere.

"Fuck!" A series of curses leave my lips as I look around me at the mess, though my eyes promptly focus on my legs. Despite the many layers of clothes I've covered them in, I can still see how much they're shaking...spasming?

Now was not the fucking time.

I lean back against the cupboards, shuffling carefully so that I don't cut myself on the broken plate, and rest my head back on the door as I wait for the shaking to stop.

Natalie has mentioned something about this, but I can't remember exactly what she said. Alex would, but I don't want to worry him or make him come home early.

He deserves a night to himself without having to worry about me. I can manage without him. I can do this. I'm perfectly capable of cleaning this up. I do not need my mate's help.

"Come on Blue, you got this..." I mutter in encouragement.

I roll awkwardly onto my side, then catch myself on my hands, using them to get my knees under me. From there, I reach for the lip of the sink, fishing around for a sturdy grip before using what strength I have in my arms to pull myself up.

Slowly, so slowly I'm almost embarrassed, I manage to get one foot under me. I push up, hard. Panting, and putting as much of my weight on my arms as I can, I hoist myself up. It takes a few minutes before I can get my second foot under me and completely pull myself upright again.

A victorious laugh leaves my lips before I look down at the mess, my upper body still heavily leant over the sink.

I'd leave the mess for when my legs feel better but I don't want to worry Alex when he gets home. He does enough of that for the both of us. I mean, I alone have stressed him out so much since meeting him that I'm surprised his hair hasn't already started turning grey.

I take a few minutes to centre myself, completely leaning on the counter until my legs feel ready to be used. I make it all of three steps towards the island before they begin giving way again and I throw myself at the surface to keep from ending up on the ground.

"Fucks sake!" I curse, feeling frustrated tears brimming in my eyes. I'm fucking useless! Fuck!

I can't do anything anymore! I can't do the dishes. I can't stand up from the floor. I can't fucking walk! I'm useless!

A pathetic sob overcomes me, wracking my body as my head falls against the island. I rarely allow myself time to feel so sorry for myself anymore, but right now, I really need to cry.

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