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Alex's PoV

It's been two days since Harry and Luke left and I've just been called to the border following reports of another body.

When I arrive, I don't think I could have mentally prepared myself for the sight awaiting me.

"They came at them from behind," Oscar begins to explain, my eyes unable to tear themselves away from the horror before me. "They say the markings on their body and tracks indicate a sneak attack. The injur—"

"Just...tell me it was quick," I interrupt.

"They died from blood loss," he said instead and my head fell, my chin hitting my chest.

Three of our guards on patrol have been killed this time. If I thought the Feral and Rogue killings were brutal, then I must have been naive to what creatures on this world could truly do.

One of the corpses has been completely shredded, it's pieces strewn about the place. Not even their head is together anymore. There's so much blood I don't think I can make out a single shade of green or brown as far as my eyes can see through the dense foliage.

"I threw up when I first saw it," Oscar admits, "I don't think I've quite gotten the hang of the whole 'Gammas don't show emotion' thing."

"That's not a Gamma thing. That's a Dom thing," came Louis' voice as he approached, "and damn that beefcake is good at it."

"Good morning to you too," I spare him a sidelong glance and watch the moment his eyes catch sight of what I do. His steps falter, face turning ashen as his jaw drops slightly.

"Goddess save us all," he breathes the words, making them barely audible. "This is definitely not Feral attacks."

"Definitely not," I agree.

"How did they even manage that? There was...what? A five minute window before overlap, if that," Louis gapes.

"They knew what they were going to do before they got here. They must've been laying in wait for them. It's the only way they'd have been able to do...all this before the next patrol came by," I say and my stomach twists at the mere thought. My wolf begins to pace, his tail swiping back and forth as a low growl begins to grow in my throat.

Whoever this is has made a direct threat against my Pack, my people, my family. I cannot allow this to continue.

"I don't understand. Teddy and I changed the patrol plans just last night. This was the first time they've been run. How did they figure it out? It's the tightest we've ever had them," Louis steps away, turning his back on the scene entirely. "I just don't understand..." he runs his hands through his hair, pacing as he thinks.

"It's not your fault," I attempt to reason.

"Isn't it? I sent them on this route, I changed the schedule..." he stops, turning to me with a look of realisation, "because this was the least monitored stretch of our border..."

That means they've been monitoring our border for far longer than we realise.

"They hadn't expected a patrol to run past here tonight. At least, not for another half an our, usually. They caught whoever did this off guard," Louis continues.

"But this is so organised," Oscar frowns.

"Is it?" Louis counters, stepping over to the bodies, careful not to touch anything, "Peter, he had the most experience and was leading this group. He's the one who's been shredded, so he must've engaged whatever it is first."

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