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Le update - Enjoy XxBlue's PoV💙 ☆ ☆ ☆

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Le update - Enjoy Xx
Blue's PoV

I don't know what's going on and, frankly, I don't think I have the mental capacity to deal with it right now anyway. I'm exhausted. I want to go back to bed and sleep off whatever this weird exhaustion I'm feeling is.

I'll be awake again tomorrow I'm sure.

"Blue, Blue look at me," a hand grabs my face and a bright light is being shone into my eyes.

I audibly protest as I scrunch my face up and turn away, my voice hoarse and painful to use. My throat stings from that single use, begging for water to soothe the pain.

"Blue, can you hear me?" I frown, wanting to nod my head but not having the energy to do so.

If I could I'd be telling whoever this is to fuck off and leave me to sleep. At least let me nap. That's all I ask. Just give me a couple hours to nap and try again then. I'll be more compliant.

"Blue? Blue," their voice is firmer now, their fingers snapping just beside my ears and making me flinch the opposite way.

Can they seriously stop now? I was comfortable and minding my own. Why can't they just leave me be? I want to sleep. That's all! Please, for the love of God!

"Don't ignore me Blue," she speaks and the foggy cloud on my head begins to fade ever so slightly.

That's Natalie. I know her voice anywhere.

"I'll get Alpha Black," another voice speaks and it's like I can actually feel the backflips my heart starts to do.

"No, not yet," Natalie stops them, "Let me run these tests first. Once he knows she's awake, he won't let anyone touch her - not even me."

"Yes, Doctor Samuels."

Since when was her surname Samuels? Actually, not many of these wolves use or mention their surname often. As far as I've seen, only Alphas consistently use their surname and that's only to prove what kind of bloodline they're from.

Huh. Harry and Natalie Samuels.

It reminds me of that character from these pirate films Avery loves. She made me watch all of them with her one weekend after Alex and I moved into our new house. She had kindly requested Alex leave us be for the weekend but when he refused, she made me kick him out so that it could be a girls weekend. From what I remember, he spent the weekend training and drinking with his friends so still had a good time without me.

When was the last time I saw Avery? It must've been a few weeks now. I should invite her over for another movie weekend soon. Just as soon as Natalie lets me leave this blasted hospital.

I'm assuming I must've passed out from exhaustion at some point during the battle, or perhaps blood loss. I recall having some small injuries, so no doubt Alex got overly worried and brought me here instead of letting me sleep them off.

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