Chapter 2

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I woke up with a nasty headache. I knew my eyes were open but everything was pitched dark. The events from yesterday came flooding back.

"Fuck!" I groaned feeling the tight handcuffs holding my hands together. I threw my head back knowing it was the stud from yesterday.

She was so fucking fine and I could help to be both scared and turned on by her. After a couple minutes a light finally flickered on, she sat across from me in a chair with her legs spread open and her shirt unbuttoned. She stared at me as she flicked a light to her blunt.

"What do you want?" I couldn't help but to admire her, her locs hung down her chest, her eyes were low and red as if she hit 30 blunts back to back.

"I already have what I want princess." She leaned up blowing her smoke into my face. God I wanted hate myself for being turned on, this bitch was clearly psycho.

I swallowed the spit that formed in my throat. "Where's Mariah."

She huffed clearly agitated by my question. "Mariah this and Mariah that, everybody fucking loves Mariah. What about me? Hm, what about daddy?" She hovered over me, her cologne hit my nose and all I wanted was for her to fuck me senselessly.

She places slight kisses on my neck. I bit my lip to keep the moans from escaping. "Let me hear you princess." Her voice spoke so opposite than what I heard before she knocked my ass out and I got weak within a second. Her hand wrapped around my neck and a moan escaped my mouth. "That's what daddy wants to hear."

She stopped moving away. I felt hot and flustered and quite agitated that she would just stop like that. "It's a shame you'd just cheat on my sister that easily. I couldn't trust a bitch like you." She laughed. I huffed looking away.

"Just let me fucking go. You damn near killed your own sister is that not enough?"

She looked at me as if she was thinking. "Is it? I'm pretty sure she's okay." She shrugged. "But you? I'm not so sure you'll be." She grabbed keys off the table walking over to me, she reached back unhooking my handcuffs.

I thought to push her, hit her and run but who was I kidding? She'd probably laugh and knocked my ass out again. She was bigger than me and had the strength of two grown men.

"Come here princess." Her calling me that made me weak everytime, she grabbed my hand pulling me onto her lap. "Now we can do this the easy way, you follow my rules or I kill you and throw your body somewhere unknown." She shrugged like it was nothing. My body tensed up.

"Good girl." She turned me in her lap so that I was facing her. "From now on I'm daddy, nothing more nothing less. I'm not mean unless you make me angry then I'll have to choke yo ass to death so don't make me angry. I'll let you have company over but if you say shit out of line I'll slice that bitch throat infront of you. You're allowed to go to school and back, I'm all for education. As of today, you're mine and if you even doubt that for one second I'll handle your ass good. Do you understand me." She gripped the back of my throat pulling me closer.

"Yes daddy."

Her lips smashed into mine and I kissed her back with no hesitation. Was it wrong for me to want her to fuck me right here, right now. She gripped my waist grinding my body against hers. I felt something forming in her sweats and gasped breaking the kiss looking down.

"You'll meet him soon." She smirked throwing me on the bed walking out of the room.


"Carter are you atleast okay?" My mom asked for the 1000th time. I sighed deeply, I hated being asked questions constantly but could never bring myself to disrespect my mom. She was the only one there for me when everyone else in my family wasn't, she would always try to protect me from my dad beating and raping me as best as she could before he would knock her out and continue on with me.

"I'm okay mom I promise. I'll try to come see you."

"I just wanted you to stay out of that mental institution, you're not crazy Carter." I chuckled. I don't know who's she's trying to convince me or herself.

"I hear you ma, I love you."

"I love you to Carter, remember what I said." I hung up the phone sighing. I walked down into my basement, opening the door to see Mariah staring back at me.

"You sick bitch!" She spat at me. I chuckled kneeling infront of her.

"Your girlfriend is going to taste so good in my mouth." I bit my lip.

"You better not fucking touch her."

"She's so fucking sexy, I can't wait until I'm fucking the shit out of her. I might let her have my baby what you think?" I could see her face getting red and smiled. My sister was never the settle down type, since I've been in and out of the M.I she's had more bitches then I've had pussy. To see her to attached to this one made me want her more and more.

"I'm glad you support. I'll keep you alive, I want you to hear her moans as I'm deep in her pussy every fucking night. The moans you never got to hear because she never let you touch her as she?" She stayed quiet looking away.

"I thought so. I'll be her first." I laughed getting up.

"What the fuck is seriously wrong with you? You have me so let her go. She's the only girl I've loved."

"Oh I know....and that's why I want her." I walked out ignoring her screams and cries. I closed the door locking it.

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