Chapter 13

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I sighed and continue to put makeup over my bruises. Carter left to "handle business" and Yasmine became a whole different person. She's been drinking and even hit me a few times. I know if Carter found out, she'd be dead so I hid the bruises as best as I could.

"I'm sorry baby." She kissed my shoulder holding me from behind. I held my head down as a few tears escaped, Carter would never put her hands on me, choke me, yes but hit me? It was the one thing she vowed to never do. "Please forgive me baby." She continued to kiss my shoulder.

She grabbed my hand pulling me to the bed laying me down. She hovered over me and I knew what was next. She wanted sex, I stoped having sex with her willingly, and if I denied her she'd get angry, hit me, apologize and repeat. She pulled down my sweats and boxers, lifting my legs up. Before she could dig in the doorbell rung.

"Who the fuck could that be, stay like that." She got up heading downstairs, I covered myself crying.

"Hey Carter wassup." I heard her say. "I'm a little busy."

"Word? You fucking?" I could hear them walking up the stairs.

"Well." They stopped at the doorway. I had my sweats pulled up and I was laying on my side curled up. "I guess not anymore."

"Do you mind getting me a water. I should've grabbed it before I came up here but it didn't click in my mind until now." I could feel Carter staring at me.

"Yeah sure." She walked out.

I could feel someone hovering over me and knew it was carter by her cologne. "What's wrong."

I shook my head.

She gripped my chin causing me to look at her. "She hurt you?" I stayed quiet. "If I ask one more fucking time. Did. She. Hurt. You?" She asked through gritted teeth.

I nodded slightly. She laughed, it wasn't a good laugh. It was a 'ima kill this fucking bitch' laugh. "Just leave it alone please?"

Before she could reply, Yasmine came in handing Carter the water. "Everything good?"

"Yeah." Carter didn't say another word, she instead walked out the room.


I was seconds away from killing this bitch, you put your fucking hands on my fucking girl, while she carrying my fucking seed. I paced the living room back and fourth trying to calm down my other personalities. God I swear ima send this bitch to you in a minute.

"Yo you good? You acting a bit strange?" She came over touching my shoulder. I clenched my jaw balling my fist up.

"I'm good." I sat down, she sat across from me. "What's wrong with Kodie? She seems upset."

"Ahh it's nothing. She's been having mood swings lately. You know the pregnancy shit, I need a break from her." She shook her head lighting up a blunt.

"How are you handling the mood swings. You hit her?." I stared at her, my hat hid my eyes but I could see her every emotions. I knew she was getting nervous, she started to move around.

"Uh not really. Maybe on accident."

"Accident huh? How so?" I blew smoke from my blunt not taking my eyes off her.

"Well I was walking away, she grabbed my arm and I accidentally hit her with my elbow when I snatched away." She laughed nervously.

I nodded. "Show me."


"Show me how you accidentally hit her, grab my elbow." I stood up, she stood behind me. She grabbed my arm, I swung my arm back clocking her in her face.


"My bad g." I sat back down finishing my blunt. My leg bounced, my mind was racing.

(Let's switch it up and give her a lil POV)

I rubbed my face, I knew she ain't meant to hurt me. We continued to chill until Kodie finally decided to come down. She was getting fat, which made her pussy get even fatter. "Hey baby."

"Hey." Her voice was low and dry.

"I gotta take this call I'll be back." Carter got up walking out the door. I stood up grabbing Kodies arm pulling her closer to me.

"Stop fucking acting like something is wrong. Pretend like everything okay before I fuck you up." I twisted her arm a little. She winced trying to get away from me.

"You're hurting me."

"I don't give a fuck. You making it known something is wrong and I'm not fucking with it. Act like you're happy or go your ass back in the room." I pushed her away from me sitting back down. Carter came back inside.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing she's good." Carter stared at me for a second before looking back at her.

"Ion think I asked you. I could've sworn I was talking to her. Now if you'd excuse me. What's wrong." I locked eyes with Kodie giving her a look.

"N-nothing I'm fine." She quickly walked past us into the kitchen.

"She's good I promise. It's my job to keep her happy. She's just a little tired she hasn't been sleeping. Don't worry about it." I had a bad feeling about Carter but couldn't put my finger on it. She showed too much interest in Kodie but I figured it was because she also had a pregnant girlfriend and could relate. I shrugged it off. We jumped up hearing a glass break in the kitchen.


"Shit, shit, shit." I cursed to myself, they both ran in. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too."

"Are you fucking serious Kodie, those are my best fucking plates!" Yas yelled walking towards me. Carter grabbed her arm stopping her.

"She said she ain't mean it, clean it up and leave her alone."

"She fucking dropped it, she's gonna get down there and clean it." She attempted to storm up to me again, this time Carter grabbed her wrapping her hand around her neck.

"The fuck your gone do? Hit her? I said you gone clean that shit yo fucking self. Put yo fucking hands on her and you won't live to see tomorrow." She nodded. Carter let her go pushing her to the ground. She held her hand out, I stepped over the glass grabbing her hand she led me out the kitchen.

"I'm sorry." I cried into her chest.

"What you apologizing for? Fuck them plates. Ima kill that fucking bitch Kodie." At this point I didn't care what she did to her not like I even care before. I was done with Yasmine and wanted to be far away from her.

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