Chapter 5

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"I'm sorry." I wiped Mariah tears away. I knew I wasn't supposed to be down here but I couldn't help but to check on her.

"Did you enjoy it?" she asked catching me by surprise, her voice was very low almost a whisper.

"What?" I heard her but didn't exactly know how to answer her, I did enjoy it.

"Did you fucking enjoy it kodie?" her voice became a little louder. I sighed.

I put my head down slightly. "Yes Mariah I did."

"Do you love her?" Her questions were getting harder and harder for me to answer. I kept my head down not making eye contact.

"No.. I'm sorry Mariah, but this is not my fault. You stole money from her, you got us in this position. Why didn't you tell me about her? Why!?"

"I didn't fucking know how okay?" She snapped.

"How about 'hey baby my sister is a fucking psycho and she's getting out soon and might be coming after me because the money I've been flaunting around was hers' that might've been a fucking start." I snapped back.

"Why does it fucking matter? You're falling in love with her Kodie I know it, because you're acting the same way you did when you fell in love with me." More tears rolled down her face.

"That's why it fucking matters! I'm falling in love with someone who may or may not kill me when she gets upset!" I rubbed my temple.

"I'm sorry kodie." She caressed my face leaning in for a kiss. I grabbed her hand shaking my head.

"I need to go before she comes back." I handed her the drink and snacks I took out the kitchen walking away. I can't lie I am slightly falling for Carter but I still loved Mariah deeply.


"Fuck I'm so glad you called me." My old bitch Leslie moaned into my ear. I nodded moving her off my face, I got up pulling up my boxers and sweats. "That's it? Just fuck me and leave? You don't want to stay like old times?" She kissed my neck slowly.

I smirked. "I'll hit you up again when I need more pussy."

"Fuck you Carter!" She yelled out.

"You just did baby." I chuckled getting into my car speeding home.


I walked upstairs to kodies room hearing her shower on. I stripped down out of my clothes walking into the bathroom pulling the slide door open.

"Shit! You scared me!" She attempted to cover up her body. I didn't say a word. I smashed my lips into hers gripping her waist.

"Damn I missed you." I spoke lowly playing kisses for her neck. "I missed you so fucking much princess. But you've been so fucking bad, daddy gotta teach you a lesson." I bit her neck slightly causing her to moan.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I bit my lip holding her body close as the water hit my back. I wanted to fuck her so bad. I gripped her ass in my hand smacking it leaving a print.

"You promise?" I rubbed her clit slowly looking into her eyes. She made eye contact with me, I smirked.

She nodded. I inserted my finger in her, "what was that, I don't think I heard you princess?"

"Y-yes daddy I promise." I slowly fingered her, feeling her getting wetter and wetter, I felt her tighten around my finger with each pump and knew she was already close.

"Stop." She tried moving my hand, I grabbed her hands putting them over her. Her head was deep into my neck. "Please."

"Cum for me princess. It's okay." I kissed her neck to reassure her. I dropped her hands and her nails dug into my shoulder as her body shook squirting. "Fuck I love you." I said lowly, not realizing it. I cursed myself after saying it, I was never the type to "love" anybody after Leslie cheated on me. I let her go quickly getting out the shower.


I walked into the entrance of my school, Carter finally let me go back to school. Kehlani spotting me running up to me full speed.

"Omg girl what's with you and not contacting me outside of school."

"Sorry." Was all I could get out.

"I have so much to tell you! Guess what tea I heard last night?" My mind faded not listening to her blabber until she started talking about Carter. My head snapped in her direction.


"Yes! My cousin said she contacted her, fucked her and left like she was in a hurry like she used her for her pussy. She think she has another girl she's messing with"

I frowned, I could feel my jealousy build up. How could she? Fuck her then come home to me like nothing happened? Was I allowed to be upset? Jealous? Angry? No but don't fuck some bitch then come fuck on me afterwards.

"Why do she think that?"

She shrugged. "She said she pulled up her clothes and ran off like she had another bitch waiting."

I could feel myself about to cry, I nodded my head letting her finish talking.

"Excuse me." I ran out the classroom into the nearest bathroom, I felt my breathing becoming harder as tears ran down my face. Fuck her. Why should I care about this crazy bitch? Why am I crying?

"Kodie are you okay?" Kehlani ran in behind me. I nodded wiping my tears before she could see them.

"I'm okay. Let's go somewhere." I wanted to be mad but how could I? She doesn't know anything about me and Carters "situation".

"Good! I've been dying to take you to this new place that has the best alcohol! And they don't even check IDS!" She squealed grabbing my arm pulling me out of bathroom.

I didn't care if Carter showed up and I wasn't here, I didn't care about the consequences, all I cared about was drinking my feelings away.

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