Chapter 9

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2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks since I've been sick. I was in the waiting room waiting on my doctors appointment, I decided to bring Kehlani with me and I also decided not to tell Carter about it.

"I can't believe you might be having a baby." Kehlani smiled rubbing my stomach.

"We don't know for sure, might be a stomach bug" I said sarcastically, I didn't picture myself pregnant at all. I pictured my girlfriend pregnant, me rubbing her stomach all day and night, going with her to her appointments. And now I honestly felt like Domo Wilson.

"Kodie Shane" the doctor called out.

I sighed nervously getting up. "Come on." I grabbed her hand following the doctor.

"Come right in, just lay down and lift up your shirt." I nodded following her instructions. She placed a cold gel on my stomach, she grabbed the wand gently moving around my stomach. "The test confirmed you are indeed pregnant!!" Lani squealed.

"Look at that." she cooed, I looked at the screen squinting. It looked like I swallowed a whole grape.

"Oh my god kodie! It's really there." I nodded wiping the tear that fell down my face.

I wanted so badly to tell Carter but I was scared of the outcome, plus I think it's better I don't. But I know if she found out like she found out about me giving food to Mariah I'd be screwed.


"I missed you." It was my therapist, Mrs. Johnson. "You know you fuck me so much better than my husband." I chuckled . She sighed sitting back in her seat.  No I didn't fuck her but she did beg me too.

"What's bothering you? You've been on that same blunt since you've stepped in room." She sat down at her desk.

"You ever thought of talking to me first before trying to suck my dick? Or is sucking my dick first needed in order for you to dig deep into my soul." I asked sarcastically.

"Very funny. Actually you are correct, people tend to want to share more after sex than before." I nodded.

"I'm scared of losing her." I shrugged.

"Who's her."

"My girlf—." I stopped myself, "the girl I am fucking."

"As long as I've known you, you weren't the type to fall for a girl. What's different about her?" I rubbed my hands over my face.

"Everything, her personality, her touch. I never been crazy in love with with someone, crazy yes but never in love. She's the better half of me, when she's not with me I feel like everything is back to how it was, my old ways. But when I'm with her, I feel sane. How can I lose the only person who keeps me sane?"

I felt defeated, I knew Kodie loved me but the voices in my head told me different stories.

"I think you just need to focus on what's infront of you" I nodded slowly. I thought about her words, she was right. I got up grabbing my keys.

"Wait we're not finished." I ignored her running to my car. I drove to my house within 15 mins. I seen my moms car parked in the front.

"Ma!?" I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom sitting down with Mariah and cursed myself out.

"Are you fucking insane Carter? Your own fucking sister? She could've fucking died!"

"That was kind of the point. That bitch stole from me!"

"MONEY!?! You were going to kill your sister over money?" I smacked my teeth.

"Man fuck her, why the fuck are snooping in ma house?" My accent came out indicating I was visible upset.

"Is that really what's important here? Your sister is half fucking dead! I was here because I had an feeling." I shook my head, I knew my mom long enough to know when she was lying.

"You have one more fucking time." I walked up to her slowly, she backed away. My sister was too weak to help her. "Why were you fucking here!"

"Baby I already told yo—." I wrapped my hand around her throat tightly squeezing. She clawed at my hand unsuccessfully.

"You never once lied to me. You really want to start now?" I let her go pushing her a bit, I shook my head walking away.

"I was here to let you know I saw Kodie at the doctors office with another girl." I stopped.

"What?" I turned around facing her. "What the fuck did you say."

She gasped finally catching her breath. "I saw Kodie at the doctors office with some girl! They looked real close like they were together. She doesn't love you Carter, and I've tried telling you that but why would you listen to me? You're crazy. I've tried protecting you all your life Carter! Everytime your father put his hands on you, when nobody else believed you could be normal! I was the one protecting you! But you don't deserve to be in our world, you know exactly where you belong." She crossed her arms looking away from me.

Before I could say anything I was being handcuffed. I clenched my jaw staring into my mothers eyes. Anger, hurt, regret, so many emotions filled inside me.

"I love you Carter but you need help and no one out here can help you."

"I'm not so sure you'll be getting out this time Carter." The officer said as grabbed my arm putting me in the car, I stared at my mom standing in the doorway. I shook my head dropping it. Maybe it was for the better. I put my head back against the seat letting the tears flow.

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