Episode_ 3

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Aryan and shahana was shocked to see each other,.

Manik_shahana your favorite dish!
Shahana with tears saw Aryan!
Naksh_shahu why tears in your eyes?
Aarav_something happened in your college?
Reha_stop asking her many questions?
Shahana_I am alright I want to meet ma.
Manik_are you sure! You don't want your sizzling brownie?
Shahana (pout) _I need them!
Aryan_let sit in our place.
After finishing every one went there manison.

In luthra mansion,
Preeta nd disha was talking!
Preeta_after so many days we are talking.
Disha_ah preeta!
Preeta_how is sunny?
Disha_he is fine he got married to kaira.
Preeta_ohh! I also have a son he is studying second year in space college. I also need a daughter-in-law.
Disha_don't worry preeta! I can understand.
(Someone from behind shouted ma)
_ma! (Preeta nd disha turned nd saw)
Preeta_shahana! How much I should say don't shout?
Shahana (hugged) _I missed you. (And she noticed disha)
Shahana_hi aunty! You look beautiful.
Disha_thank you beta you also look like a angel.
Manik/aarav_plz don't say that to her.
Naksh_then she will repeat this 1000 times.
Shahana_oh really you three are jealous.
Disha_you are same looking like my son.
Aarav_name anuty?
Shahana_aryan khaana?
Disha_ah! How you know him?
Preeta_shahu say?
Palki_no buaji today we saw them in ice cream shop! And he is also same college..
Disha_ohh! You are MMIS college?
Disha_then you two?
Manik_space college.
Disha_oh nandini is also same college.
Manik_oh! She is shahana friend.
Preeta_shahana you didn't say me?
(Shahana was thinking about her past) manik pat on her back.
Shahana_yes! Okay ma I am going to my room. Bye aunty nice to meet you.
Disha_same here beta.okay preeta I need to go.
Preeta_bye.(disha went from there)

In Kmsk mansion,
Disha came inside.
Aryan_mom where you went? I missed you?
Disha_I went to meet my friend.
Aryan _ohh! I see.
Pragya_okay go and fresh up! Dinner is ready.
Shaurya_ah aunty?
Pallavi_did you get any girl friend?
Shaurya_why are you asking me suddenly?
Nandini_you only said us right you should find girlfriend?
Shaurya smiled thinking about palki.
Avneet_ma I think you got your daughter-in-law.
All youngest_ohhh!
Shaurya_just shut up! Mom she is lying.
Prachi_really!then how you know palki?
Aliya_shaurya do you have girlfriend?
King,vikram, purab nd abi came there.
King_who have girlfriend?
Abi_wow shaurya congrats!
King_what is there to congrats him. We send them to study not to find girl friend.
Shaurya_wait dad! When I said I have girlfriend everyone is teasing me.
Purab_king do you hear him! Everyone is teasing him.
Ranbir_I am going to my room
Aliya_every one come by 10 clock.
Every one_fine!

In luthra mansion,
Every one was eating.
Karan_yes manik?
Manik_actually we have talent hunt program between MMIS college nd space college.
Manik look his siblings! Every one nod.
Rishabh_why are looking them?
Manik_so fab-6 is going to perform.
Every one look him expect naksh, palki, aarav nd shahana.
Shahana_why you all are seeing him?
Preeta_Because he is not allowed to perform.
Manik_why ma? You know I sing nicely and I am the lead singer in fab-6.
Karan_This may be your passion not your future.
Shahana signal to srishti.
Srishti_jiju I think we can give one chance.
Manik_yes! Dad.
Shahana_plz papa.
Karan saw preeta.
Preeta_okay! But....
Sherlyn_he should join in our main company.
Karan_if you want to perform. You should agree this deal.
Manik_dad also naksh bhai is elder than me.
Rishabh_He will also join.
Mahesh_That is final.
Every one started to eat.

In shahana room,
She came near her cupboard and took out a box. She unlocked the box and she saw some photo. (Tears flow from her eyes)

Shahana_why? Why? You cheated me? What I did to you! To love you or to be friend with you. Why? Aryan you cheated me?? My past become worst and again in my present you become. Why? Your memories is killing me. (She sat down and cried holding the picture)

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