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Start from Aryan and shahana flashback.....
Aryan propose shahana!!

Aryan_I am sorry I can't protect you from that idiot.
Shahana_It's okay and thank you for saving me. (Both of them enjoy there night)

Next day.,
In XXY College,
Every one was talking Aryan was waiting for shahana.
Rohan_Aryan you had lose in the challenge.
Aryan_yeah I accept it.
Arjun_anways happy for you bro. (Someone shout Rohan name)
_Rohan(three of them turned and saw) Rohan went and hugged her.
Priya_I missed you!
Rohan_I too.
Arjun_keep your Romance in the room not in the public. (Avni and shahana came there)
Avni(shout) _priya! (Every one turn and saw them. Aryan and shahana had a eye contact.
Priya_avni! I missed you babe.
Avni_me too!
Priya (saw shahana) _and who is she?
Avni_she is shahana luthra she is also my best friend and girl -friend of Aryan.
Priya_aryan you didn't say me you have girlfriend?
Aryan_ho actually yesterday only we said our love Eachother.
Priya_oh nice to meet you myself priyanka.
Shahana_nice to meet you! Friends?
Priya_friends!. (After one month Aryan and shahana was happily living there life....arjun and avni express there feeling each other they are dating now)

In xxy college.,
Shahana, aryan, Priya, Rohan, arjun and avni was talking. Suddenly shahana got message in her phone.she got happy and look towards the gate. Every one saw her.
Aryan_what happened sweet heart? Looking happy?
Shahana_ye....(before she would finish shahana saw someone and she went and hugged him)Aryan was hell angry.
Shahana_How are you?
Sim1_I am fine! How are you baby. (Listening baby Aryan blood boiled his eyes went red due to anger) Aryan went and hit the sim1.
Shahana_Aryan! Stop what are you doing leave him.
Aryan_wow MRS. SHAHANA LUTHRA what I said you only I have the right to call you baby! Who is the hell is he is calling you? (Shahana was shocked Aryan is calling her with her full name)
Shahana_Aryan can you leave his collor.
Sim1_first leave me! Shahu what is this rubbish? What happened chachi come to know about this?
Shahana_Plz don't say it! I will explain you later.
Aryan(angry/shout) _what a game?You are playing with me don't you have shame.
Shahana_aryan can you shut up! First let me talk.
Aryan_with who?
Shahana_aryan first listen I know you are angry but let me explain who is he?
Aryan_I don't care anything! Who is important to you me Or him.
Sim1_what kind of question is this? Shahana I am warning you let's go. (He pull shahana hand)
Aryan punched him and started to bit. Shahana came in middle and slap him in front of every one.
Shahana(shout)_He is important to me Aryan khanna. I am not your slave to listen you.(With angry Aryan left from there)
Rohan_what a plan? Shahana! He loved you true but you played two games with him.
Priya_first I thought you will be a cheap girl.
Avni_I am ashamed to say you are my friend. (Shahana with tears standing there)
Arjun_you and this man hurted my friend soon you deserve it.
Shahana (shout/tears) _Can you guys shut up! He is also not Believing me because he is angry I know that how to make him normal and everyone think I cheated him right no I didn't cheat him he is my Brother riyaz luthra he is studying here came to meet me in my family every one will call me baby because I am the princess of luthra mansion. If someone said to decided between my father and brother I will select my brother because I love them they will treat me as a princess.
Avni_sorry shahana (she went from there to see Aryan)
Avni(cry) _atleast I should believe her every thing is because of me.
Arjun_plz don't cry I know Aryan will understand. (Shahana was searching for Aryan she she saw Aryan was kissing a girl. Her heart broken)
Shahana (shout) _Aryan! (Listening her shout every one came there)
Aryan_shahana let me explain.
Shahana_same thing I also said you but you didn't leave me to give a chance. Why I should believe you I saw every thing Aryan khanna.I hate to be with you I hate you.
Aryan_Stop it shahana you didn't even believe me Or trust me?
Shahana_yes! I didn't believe you or trust you I don't want see your face. (She hold riyaz hand and went from there)
Aryan(shout) _still he is only important right I hate my past shahana luthra I hate you I will take revenge.

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