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Shahana shocking decision.,
Riyaz luthra accident!
Finally part of KMSK VS LUTHRA.

Shahana(shock) _Nandini? (Yes! It's nandini who heard every thing which avn and jan was talking to shahana)
Nandini (came near her) _Wow Shahana! I never thought you will be the reason for my sister condition.
Shahana (with breaking words) _Nandu what you mean?
Nandini_Plz don't act with me I heard what all avneet and jannat said you! So you are the reason behind every one break up even your own brother! So of you only we had a distance between us. How would you do this shahana to us? What we did to love your brother's. (Shahana was totally broken with nandini words)
Shahana (with tears) _nandu!
Nandini(shock) _you don't have the rights to call me nandu! You had cheated me and my family even your husband. Now listen careful Shahana my relationship with you is broken I hate you alot. You will face the same pain and tears in your family which we guys face and after Anu wake up don't show your face to her. (With this nandini went from there shahana with tears and thinking about all the words which Avn, jan and nandini speak to her. After 10min she went from there to others and make her shock in the life)
Shahana (shout) _Bhai! (Now every one turn and saw her! Yes! Riyaz got accident all the luthra members bring him to hospital Sherlyn, preeta and srishti cried)
Shahana(went near sherlyn) _Babe ma? (But sherlyn didn't answer she went near her other members who didn't answer her which break shahana more)
Shahana (shout) _What happened to him? Why no one is answering me? What do I did?
Preeta(shout with tears) _Of you only he is in this situation. (With tears shahana saw her family members)
Preeta_don't don't shahana! You lose the rights to say the word mumma.
Shahana(saw karan) _Dad at least say me what happened? Why you are guys are talking like this? What I did? (Aryan catch her and try to stop her who become mad by shouting 'what happened')
Palki (who came near her and slap her) _still now you didn't know what you did? Because when he came to see you he got accident.
Shahana(shock) _when do I call him?
Naksh_Don't act shahana!We saw his phone and read your message you are the one call him here.
Sherlyn_you are burden to us shahana! How would you try to kill your own brother?.
Shahana (went near her) _babe ma I promise I didn't call bhai even what I was in college then came to hospital? And why should I call him?
Raisbha_Shahana plz stop it! We have proof.
Naksh_First manik then riyaz after him us right shahana! (This broke her totally heart)
Naina_Then disha mami you married aryan to a killer.
Kalyani_Ah! First you should research about her then prepare for marriage.
Disha(look shahana) _Then you are the reason for anushka suicide? (Now every one look her)
Kaira(went near her and slap her) _what she did to you? Ah? Don't you know she is small girl of you only you try to kill her.
Sunny_so what aryan was unhappy to marry you before marriage.
Ranbir_I thought as my sister like nandini but now I am wrong you are self a killer.
Shaurya_I am ashamed to see your face.
Palki_you try to kill my brother now came to spoil my life.
Reha_Why shahana? Why you spoiled every one life? (With heart broken tears were rolling on her eyes. She look Aryan and believe him but after hearing it she was totally broken)
Aryan_I need divorce from this women. (Now shahana remember aryan moment she spend her night with him. His forgiveness everything came into her head)
Shahana(shout) _Just shut up! You guys don't know the whole truth and blaming me. Seriously bade ma and babe papa you guys think I am the reasons of riyaz bhai condition But I never message him and I never try to kill anyone of my family even Anu! But aryan know the reason of it. Now I am happy to know the whole truth about my family! I hate you aryan khanna you promise me you will believe but still blame me first you believe this naina Now everyone yeah even what you just love my body not my soul. I am happy and I am leaving everyone. (Aryan was broken to hear shahana words. She throw her nuptial chain on aryan face and went from there with tears and everything)
After shahana went everyone had tears then the doctor came.
Disha_how is my daughter?
Doctor_she is fine and you can meet her but..
Doctor_don't ask about the incident which she have done.
Aryan_okay doctor.
Sherlyn_My son?.
Doctor_he is unconscious will wake up soon. (Everyone happily went to see riyaz and anu)

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