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Talent hunt program winner🏆🎉🏆...,,
   Aryan sudden change towards shahana.
Nandini_So it was wonderful performance of fab_5 and harshad khurana team members. So now it is the time for winners of the program. So let's welcome Mr. Karthik goenka and Mrs. Naira karthik goenka to the stage.
  (They both went to stage)
Karthik_Hello everyone It was a wonderful performance given by both the college. It was very hard to decide the winner.
Naira_especially in traditional dance but there will one winner in all the competition.
Nandini_So sir and mam let we know who is the winner?
Karthik_why not? The winner of english song the awards goes to Mr. Aryan khanna from MMIS college. (Every one clap there hand for Aryan...Aryan saw shahana. She smiled)
He went to stage and took the award from karthik.
Aryan_thank you blessed to get the award from your hand.
Karthik_Thank you.
Naira_so the second award goes to Peter from space college. (He took the award)
Nandini_so next award goes to hindi song  singer.
Naira_So the winner is Mr. Ranbir kholi from MMIS college. (Nandini happily look Ranbir. Ranbir hugged prachi and went to stage and collect is award)
Karthik_so congratulations to the winner's.
Nandini_so now next award goes to romantic couple dance.
Karthik_so the award goes to Cabir Thakur and Navya naveli  from space college. (Cabir and navya side hugged there friends and went to stage)
Naira_actually why we choose cabir and navya there was pure love in there eyes and  they dance was wonderful but in naksh and aarohi there just the dance nothing less sorry to say it. (Shahana went near naksh)
Shahana_feeling sad?
Naksh_No! Even what I am not inserted to dance with her. I am happy that they both win the competition.
Naksh_yes! My chote bhen and Aryan had win the competition so what gift you are going to give?
Shahana_no idea!
Naksh_are you nervous?
Shahana_Not nervous I am scared.
Naksh(side hug her) _idiot believe the God he will support you.
Shahana_same dialogue dadi said copy cat.
Naksh_haha(they both was laughing and talking. Noticed by Aryan and reha)

Back to stage..,
Nandini_so next award is going to be special because it it award for Traditional dance. (Shahana and prachi was praying)
Naira_so the award goes to..... (Shahana close her eyes with fear manik and naksh side hug her)
Naira(continue) _goes to Mrs. Prachi mehra from MMIS college. (Shahana can't believe what she heard she look his brother manik)
Shahana (control her tears) _bhai! Don't worry I will try next time. I am wishing you should win don't leave that harshad to win.
Manik_hah! (Prachi hugged Ranbir and reha went to stage and collect the award) nandini saw shahana she feel bad she know how hard work she had practiced.
Cabir_shahana don't feel sad na.
Nandini_bhai look me if you guys lose then only I will cry.
Mukti_Fab_5 will never lose shahana we will only win.
Aliya_we will never lose to that harshad khurana.
Dhruv_If he win then we will also cry with you.
Navya_In this dhruv is correct but I think we will win you guys to know why?
Navya_because the great navya naveli wrote the song lyrics.
Shahana_ahh! I know fab_6 will never lose because there best in every thing. (Every one hugged shahana. KMSK youngest were shocked to see there bond)
Prachi(went near shahana) _I am sorry shahana.
Shahana_prachi di you are also my sister if you win I am happy plz don't be guilty I will try next time.
Prachi hugged her.
Karthik_Now this award goes to
Naira_Between space and space college.
Nandini pray that manik should win and look manik.
Karthik/naira_Goes to FAB_6 team from Space college. (Shahana hugged manik)
Nandini(happily) _So let's welcome Mr. Cabir Thakur, Mrs. Navya naveli, Mr. Dhruv vedant,Mrs.Alya saxena,Mrs. Mukti vardhan and The lead singer Mr. Manik luthra.(look towards manik eyes)
  Every one came to stage and collect the award.
Karthik_so congrats fab_6 be growing.
Naira_such a wonderful performance from you guys and manik your voice is fantastic I wish to have voice like you.
Manik_Thank you mam. (Saying this every one went from there)
Nandini_So the talent hunt program is finish thank you for attending this competition Mr. Mrs goenka. (With this naira and karthik went from there)
Nandini(continue) _So from this I am signing of. I am nandini kholi nice to host this program thank you for the chance. (With this the program finish.)
Every one came out and start to talk.
   That time harshad came near shahana seeing him manik got angry. Nandini saw into his eyes. (Ranbir noticed by Ranbir)

Harshad_so sweet heart how was my dance?Anu_sweet heart? Mind your words? Harshad_who are you to say that? Shahana_anu one minute

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Harshad_so sweet heart how was my dance?
Anu_sweet heart? Mind your words?
Harshad_who are you to say that?
Shahana_anu one minute. So harshad khurana you asked me your dance was nice?
Harshad_yeah sweet heart. (Aryan was angrily saw shahana and harshad)
Aryan (angrily) _First stop calling her sweet heart!
Harshad_who are you to say?
Aryan_I am her finance we both got engagement. (Shahana look Aryan shock)
Harshad _what the fuck?
Manik_mind you language harshad and the war is between us not with my sister.
Cabir_come on manik he is a loser.
Navya_So he doesn't have any right to stand in front us.
Dhruv_buddy I think we are wasting time with him.
Aliya_ha manik! Just give him a fucking warming and come let's go.
Harshad_don't forgot I am harshad khurana son of the college trust.I know to chase you out of the college.
Mukti_wow I am scared (then every one laughed)
Harshad_mukti your past don't forgot it. I have it.
Manik_Harshad!!Harshad!!as my friends said you are a loser say me how much warming should I give you so better back off we are the winner's no one can beat fab_6 we are best in every thing.
Harshad came to speak but manik say him to be quite.

Manik_I didn't finish my sentence harshad khurana I am giving you last warming back off from mukti and my sister or the upcoming days will be horrible

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Manik_I didn't finish my sentence harshad khurana I am giving you last warming back off from mukti and my sister or the upcoming days will be horrible. (With this harshad went)
Mukti_so manik thank you and i am going.
Manik_nothing to mention. (Fab_5 went from there)
Shahana and manik saw others.
Shahana_Sorry for the disturbance.
Avn_bhai can we go?
Anu_avn come on yeah let our parents come. (Shahana was sad)
Preeta_shahana! (Every one turn and saw her)
Shahana_ma you came then let's go.
Karan_ah beta let's go before that....
Shahana_Dad I am alright.
Preeta(went near prachi) _congratulations!
Prachi_thank you aunty.
Karan_congratulations Aryan.
Aryan_thanks uncle.
Manik_dad then me and shahana is going first.
Naksh_yeah! (Manik and shahana went from there)

In car🚘
  Manik was driving shahana was seeing outside.
Manik_now cry!
Shahana look him shock.
Manik (continue) _why are you shock shahana I said you thousand times don't kept it in your heart come on.
Shahana (tears roll on her eyes)
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