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Birthday party!! Every one had joined together.

In luthra manison,
In shahana room, (preeta, manik, and karan) came there
Shahana was practicing her traditional dance. (Every one clap for her)
Shahana_I need to win the competition.
Preeta_what happened if you didn't win?
Shahana_I will die.
Shahana_dad I need to win. But I will win in honest way.
Karan_I know princess.
Manik_but don't talk about your death in front our family.
Shahana_I promise.

In KMSK manison,

Aliya_shaurya? Shaurya??
Avneet_what happened ma?
Aliya_where is he?
Avneet_actually he is in....
Aliya_don't support him! Where is he?
Avneet_In Aryan room.
King_what is doing there?
Avneet_there are sleeping.
Disha_bhai what happened?
King_if I say you both will be angry.
Pallavi_plz say us.
Aliya_let our kids come down.

Kaira was holding sunny ears and said_will do this again?
Sunny (paining) _kia I am sorry I will not do this again I promise baby.
Kaira_how much time I should give you change?
Sunny_last time plz!
Kaira_last time also you said the same.
Pragya_kaira! What happened see he is in pain.
Kaira_mom you don't support him.
Abi_kaira what happened?
Sunny_kai plz.
Purab_kaira beta you say us what happened why are yoy angry with sunny. (Prachi and reha come down)
Prachi_di what is this? Jiju is innocent.
Sunny_thanks prachi you at least understand me.
Reha_di one time see his face he is innocent leave his ear it going to pain.
Sunny_ah kaira reha is right!! thanks.
Kaira_ohh I had never heard the innocent person can drink that to not in is state.
Disha_what? Sunny you drink yesterday. Kaira is doing right.
Sunny_wow mom! Not only me Aryan, Ranbir and shaurya also drink alcohol with me.
Pallavi_that why aliya nd king is angry.
Vikram_where is Ranbir?
Nandini_dad plz calm down leave him for one time.
Pallavi _not this time.
Prachi(in mind) _Ranbir how much time I should say you to avoid alcohol. Oh no.
Reha_What are you thinking?
Prachi_about the fight.
Reha_i am waiting to see.
Aryan, Ranbir and shaurya came down.
King_did you sleep nicely beta?
Shaurya_Ah dad I was tired yesterday after finishing the party.
Vikram_ranbir did you sleep better? I look some dark circles in your eyes if you want you can sleep.
Ranbir_it okay dad I didn't need to sleep if I need some sleep means I will say you and about the dark circle if I see some special person and this dark circle will automatically go. (Looking towards prachi)
Purab_Aryan I think you are looking sad today and also tired? Any problem?
Aryan_nothing dad because of that yesterday party.
(Abi started to laugh seeing there situation)
Aryan_chacha why are you laughing?
Abi_because of your fathers.
King_you don't have son.
Vikram_you don't understand us?
Purab_luckily blessed with beautiful daughters.

Shaurya_what happened?
Aliya_why did you guys drink alcohol yesterday night?
{Three of them was shocked looking each other and finally look sunny}
Sunny_why are you guys looking me?
Ranbir_bhai why did you say them?
Sunny_I didn't say anything!
Aryan_then who said?
Disha_first answer our question.
Shaurya_buaji!actually we was shocked that prachi reha our sister to shahana and manik.
Pragya_so what? You guys will drink? You don't know it is bad to health.
Pallavi_you promised me Ranbir but again you broke the promise.
Ranbir_I break the promise that day it self infront nandu.
Nandini_actually mom! I know yesterday he had drank but..... I am sorry.
King_who opened the door yesterday night for you four?
Prachi, reha, avneet and nandini look them.
Shaurya_prachi, reha, avneet and nandini.
Pallavi_what is this prachi?
Prachi_sorry aunty! But I promise I never leave to drink them again. I promise you
Reha_prachi is not like Ranbir to break the promise.
Pallavi_I know beta!
Aliya/disha_what about you both?
Aryan_mom I promise I will not do it again.
Shaurya_me too mom!
Kaira_don't worry I will take care of three!
Aliya_thanks kia.
Abi_tomorrow is the talent hunt program go and practice.

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