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Marriage for arhana, pranbir and shakli.

In luthra mansion.,
Shahana was thinking about something deeply and about manik.
Then the time preeta and karan came to her room.

Shahana (noticed them) _Ma papa?
Preeta_what are you thinking deeply?
Shahana_nothing mom simply this is my last day here so only.
Karan(side hug) _I know this will be new to you without even finishing your college you are getting married I am sorry beta.
Shahana_Dad listen one day Or one day I will be leaving this house even what disha ma had said me right I can continue my studies after marriage also.
Preeta_Your lucky to get disha as your mother_in_law.
Shahana smile and hugged karan tightly.
Tears flow on her eyes.
Karan_Princess what happened?
Shahana_I don't know dad I will miss you alot plz don't forget me plz na like bhai.(karan saw preeta who was standing in tears)
Karan_You stupid you are bhai is emotional now because the princess of the house in going so he will be little emotional don't worry tomorrow he will be okay.
Preeta_never your dad will not forget you because you two are the princess. Now sleep tomorrow is the big day of your life. (Shahana smile and went to bed karan and preeta kiss her forehead and went)

In KMSK Mansion,.
In Aryan room he was drinking beer🍺 and thinking about shahana and this marriage.
Disha enter into Aryan room.

Disha_what is this aryan?
Aryan(saw her and hide the beer behind him) _Nothing mom.
Disha_Tomorrow you are getting marriage and now you are drinking?
Aryan_No mom.... I am sorry.
Disha(went near him and kept his hand on his shoulder) _Tomorrow you will have the big duty of your life plz avoid this and think about how to keep shahana happy.
Aryan_I don't know mom what to say but don't worry she will be happy with me lifelong.
Disha(smile) _I believe you fine! Go and sleep tomorrow is the big day of your life.
Aryan smile and went to sleep.

Next day..,
In Big Mandapam.
All the guest are coming KMSK and Luthra women were welcoming.

Luthra elder's outfit

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Luthra elder's outfit

Sameer_where is this pandit ji?
Abhi_don't worry he will come in time.
Raisbha_guys relaxed this is just a marriage.
Karan_It is a marriage of princess in luthra mansion.
Purab_hah pandit ji came. (Every one welcome the pandit ji)
Pandit ji_I will start the pooja plz call the groom.
Abhi_Ah pandit ji! Anu , avneet and nandu go and bring your brother's beta.

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