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Aryan and shahana romance...
Manik and nandini date!

In same day...
Shahana came to Aryan room.
Aryan push shahana on bed and came up of her.shahana was shocked with his sudden behavior... Aryan had smirk on his face.
Shahana(with nervous)_Aryan what is this? Someone may see us?
Aryan_Let them you are my fiance so no one will think wrong.
Shahana(struggling to come out his grip)_what behavior is this? Leave me.
Aryan(angrily) _Don't try to come out of my grip then something may happened and I am not response for it.
Shahana(with tears saw him)
Aryan(noticed her tears) _Plz na jaan don't cry. {Hearing jaan shahana tears didn't stop}
Shahana_can you say it again?
Aryan (Realised his word)_ Nothing.
The same time anuksha came there.
Anu_bhai(she opened the door and saw the position of Aryan and shahana)
Anu(continue) _I mean sorry. She turn that side.
Shahana(whisper) _Aryan leave.
Aryan_Anu why you came here?
Anu_ho bhai! Mom is calling you down for lunch and shahana bhabhi should also come she is calling her.
Aryan_ha! You go we will come.
Anu_go bye.
Anu_ah! Bhai!
Aryan_don't say it anyone.
Anu(laugh) _Oh really the great Aryan khanna is scared.
Shahana laughed Aryan saw her and glared. Shahana stop laughed.
Anu_As you say then one condition?
Anu_You should take me shopping that to in your money.
Aryan(annoying) _Fine!
Anu_okay come fast. (With this she went)
Aryan and shahana was in a same position... Anu was face other side of them and speak.
Shahana (with low voice) _Aryan we need to go.
Aryan_Fine! (Aryan stand up and make shahana stand up and went down)

In lunch Table.,
Every one was sitting Aryan and shahana came there.
(Aryan sit behind ranbir. Shahana sit behind Avn)

Anu was smiling seeing Aryan and shahana..
(Noticed by:Ranbir and prachi)
Ranbir(teasing voice) _Aryan why you wear late??
(Shahana and Aryan look each other.. Disha and pragya saw this)
Pragya_he maybe working!
Anu_yeah! Aryan bhai was working ha na bhai?
Aryan(glared at her) _ah!
Shaurya_where is nandu?
Pallavi_she went out with her friends.
Ranbir_Shahana you didn't go?
Shahana_I don't like shopping.

Aryan pov,
I know shahana love to shopping then when she hate shopping...
Something is wrong between shahana and nandini. I need to find out.
Aryan pov end

Everyone was talking happily shahana and palki was also comfortable with them.

Another side.,
Manik and nandini
In black secret restaurant.
Manik and nandini came there and sat down in there place.
Manik_so star what do you want to eat?
Manik_seriously star? Plz na say me what you want to eat!
Nandini(think for min) _Pasta with salad.
Manik_so simply?
Nandini_still not over Mr. Luthra.
Manik_fine next?
Nandini(smile) _And a choco lava cake.
Manik_You are same like shahana.
Nandini_this is called friendship goal.
Manik(laughed) _fine!(to waiter) one pasta with salad and one club sandwich and fries and one choco lava cake and one mint juice.
Waiter_okay sir you should wait for five minutes.
Manik_yeah no problem.
Nandini_manik! This restaurant is wonderful na.
Manik_even what manik luthra favorite restaurant it in.


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