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Aryan sudden proposal..
Shahana shocked.,

Aryan drag shahana to there room....
In middle of the way nandini came there. Aryan stop and saw shahana.

Nandini_sorry to disturbed you.
Aryan (smile) _nothing like that nandu.
Shahana_You want anything?
Nandini_How come you forget everything?
Shahana(confused) _what I forgot?
Nandini(look aryan) _bhai tomorrow is our college is starting! (Then only shahana remember it) so...
Aryan(cut her in middle) _nandu don't worry She will come to college and now can you leave us?
Nandini(laughed) _fine bhai!
With this nandini went from there. Aryan and shahana reached there room.
Aryan push her in the bed and lock the room.
Shahana was confused saw him.

Shahana_what are you doing?Aryan_why you are asking me that? The same question I can also ask to you!
Shahana_Aryan first listen to me then blame me.
Aryan_what to listen shahana? You every well know I hate riyaz then how would I accept this relationship?
Shahana_why can't you accept this relationship Aryan? You know both of them love each other!
Aryan_did your brother accept me? No I can't leave my sister.
Shahana(shout) _oh really Aryan I know after our break up you hate him. But nothing he did you are the one who spoiled everything Aryan khanna.
Aryan_yeah I know I had spoiled everything but it doesn't means I will accept that riyaz.
Shahana_Aryan in your anger you are taking wrong decision. Anu love riyaz alot.
Aryan(shout) _I to love you alot will you forgive me. (Shahana was in shock look him)
Shahana_what do you mean?
Aryan(shout) _I mean still now I love you shahana luthra yes! I had messed up everything in past but now I want to start a fresh life with you as Mrs. Shahana Aryan Khanna I know I have anger issues still now I have but I will try my best to control it. I thought to forget you but I can't.
Shahana (with tears) _then why you kiss her?
Aryan_I didn't even kiss her....


In the same day Aryan was angry with shahana came to empty room and broke everything which he got in that room. Soon someone came into the room Aryan saw her and was shocked.

Aryan_naina? What the hell you are doing here?
Naina_Aryan for you only I came
Aryan_for me? Are you mad or what?
Naina_Aryan I really love you plz accept me as your girlfriend.
Aryan_see naina I already have girlfriend and love her alot I can't love you and I will book the ticket you go back to india.
Naina(shout) _Aryan she had cheated you with someone else still you love her no I can't go back I really want you.
Aryan(shout, anger) _Listen carefully this not love this fucking obsession with me.
Naina(saw shahana coming) _Now you can see what is love and obsession.
Aryan_what d... (Before Aryan would complete naina started to kiss him he was shocked but didn't response then he heard someone shouting his name he turned and saw shahana standing there with riyaz and his friends.Aryan try to explain but shahana went from there with riyaz.

Flash back End

After hearing it shahana were guilty she started to cry.
Aryan went near her and hugged her tightly.
Shahana (while crying) _I am sorry Aryan I am mad who waste my two years without you I had destroyed everything.
Aryan(cared her face) _Shahana everything is over let's forget everything and start our new life? Will you be Mrs. Shahana Aryan khanna forever.

Shahana nod her happily Aryan give her a kiss in her forehead and look her eyes shahana blink aryan smile and went near her lips and started to kiss it was full of love, happiness how much they missed after 15minutes Aryan found she is breathless. Then leave her shahana blushed and hugged Aryan.

Shahana_Again Sorry Aryan.
Aryan_how much time you will ask sorry I should ask that!Shahana then let's start our new life...
Aryan_will you believe me (shahana nod Aryan cared her in bridal style and put it in there bed.Aryan over hook her shahana saw Aryan eyes Aryan went near her lips and kiss it then move to her neck and tortured her.Then both of them start they new life they both become one)

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