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Riyaz Luthra Answer..,
Aryan and shahana Reunion.,

Anu_From morning he is not looking at me and not talking with me! Did I did some wrong riyu?
Riyaz_Anu! Did something Aryan said you? About me?
Anu(crying)_Ah! He said he hate you? But I don't know why he said but I can't live without you.
Riyaz(think) _Then he is thinking that I am the reason for his and shahana break up what happened if Aryan harm shahana no riyaz you should do something. What should I do? Yes! I need to do this or her life and Anu life will be spoiled I am sorry Anushka.
Anu(saw riyaz thinking something) _Riyaz? What are you thinking?
Riyaz_Fine Anu as your bhai comes to know let's break up. (A big shock to Anu the tears were rolling on her eyes. Riyaz to saw this his heart got the pain. Then they heard a voice both of them turn and saw aarav, avn, jannat and fai standing there)
Aarav(slap riyaz) _Are you mad or what?
Avneet_how would you do this to my sister?
Riyaz_what I did?
Fai_that also you are asking us?
Jannat_why the hell you break up with Anu?
Riyaz_That my wish to break up with who ever I want.
Avneet_Oh seriously Mr.Riyaz Luthra don't you know how much she loves you. (Riyaz look Anu who was crying)
Anu(shout) _Can you guys plz shut up your mouth and you(point to riyaz) I am done with you thank you for being with me and plz don't show your fucking face to me. (She went from there)
Avneet_I never expect this from you to riyaz ashamed to be with you this much year.
Jannat_You and fai are same don't care about us and decided your own decision without us.(with this both of them went)
Riyaz was about to go but aarav and fai stop him.
Riyaz(turn back) _now what you guys want?
Riyaz_are you fucking mad or what?
Aarav_yeah! We are mad! Say us the truth.
Riyaz_I did this for shahana.
Aarav_shahana? What to her she is married and happy with Aryan!
Riyaz_who said she is happy with this marriage?
Fai_riyaz say us clearly.
Riyaz_because before us shahana was Aryan ex girlfriend. (A big shock to fai and aarav)
Riyaz_yes! (He totally what happened 2years before how he came to meet shahana and aryan misunderstand shahana and kiss some other girl)
Aarav(with tears) _I never expect this from him. I thought she will be happy with him.
Fai_Then aryan came to know about you two and if he harm shahana because for this so you had broken up with her.
Riyaz_yes! Now let's go. (Three of them went from there)

In Space college..,
Aryan and shahana reached the college.

Aryan_bye jaan.
Shahana_bye! See you later.
Aryan_yeah! (Before he would go shahana call him again)
Aryan_want something? Did you left Something?
Shahana_Plz na talk to Anu you self know she had cried a lot yesterday night.
Aryan_jaan I don't want to listen anything about her right now. Now concentrate to become a great doctor.
Aryan_shahana I am saying na.
Shahana_fine! Bye
Aryan_bye love you .
Shahana_love you to. (With this shahana went from there and Aryan went to office. Shahana enter inside the college and saw nandini talking with fab_6 she happily went near them)
Shahana(from back) _Excuse me can you guys leave me some place. (Then everyone turn back and saw shahana after seeing her everyone were happy hugged her)
Shahana_yes! I am shahana so what?
Navya_you are here?
Alia_after marriage also?
Shahana_guys!I am here to continue my studies and disha ma and Aryan said me to continue my college along with nandini.
Dhruv_wow! Aryan support you alot.
Cabir_So treat?
Manik_what treat??

 Shahana_yeah! Cabir_So treat? Manik_what treat??

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